Page 10
The virtual server configuration ensures that external users who want to access your SAS100 through your ADSL
line automatically are forwarded to the product.
With other words, depending on the requested service (TCP/UDP-portnumber), the router sends the external service
request to the right server (which is on another internal IP-address).
For example, when you configure the option [Type/Public Port] to TCP/80 (HTTP or Web) and the option [Private
IP/Port] om, all http-requests from external users will be send to the device which is connected at
internal IP-address on port 80. So by entering the external IP-address which is provided by the DSL
provider and port number, users can get access to the required service on the local device.
How should the router be configured for audio broadcasts? Assumed that the internal IP-address of the product is, you enter 70 as Private IP. Because the integrated icecast2 server uses port 8000, you enter 8000 at
Private Port. You are allowed to enter what you want at Public Port, but for ease of use it is recommended to enter
8000 here also.
The TCP protocol is used, so you need to select this here also.
Press on the Apply button on the bottom of this page (just scroll this page a little further) and the router is configured!
All requests for <public IP address>:8000 now are serviced by the port which is on address; in
this case the icecast2 server from the SAS100.
After this short excursion we will proceed with configuring the SAS100 by pressing on the Audio button.