User manual for X3-H0204
For more information, please visit our website
of the task table.
Which IP waterproof level does Streamax device support?
Currently, X7 and X5-E0804 support waterproof IP 54.
How to install the WIFI antenna?
The antenna must be installed on unobstructed place of the roof, and be fixed with glue.
The device cannot be shut down when in ignition ON/OFF mode.
Check if the ACC signal wiring is correct and if there is voltage for ACC signal line after the key is
turned off .
If you have set timing recording, and at the current time it is still in task recording, the device may be
impossible to be shut down.
10) GPS anomaly.
Check if the GPS antenna is properly installed. There is silkscreen GPS identification on the GPS
antenna pedestal on the back of the MDVR device. Check if the antenna connector is blocked and
make sure the antenna connector not be covered by other things.
Trees block, being inside the tunnel, driving near tall buildings or viaduct, thunderstorms and other
environmental effects may also cause to receive no GPS signal or error signal.
11) No voice in video files.
See if there is an external microphone, or if the camera cannot capture audio;
Enter into the video channel settings, then check if the audio is open;
Ensure video input and normal recording, on which the audio recording channels must be based.
12) The device doesn’t record.
Make sure the storage part is installed and of fine contact, the data can be read on PC, and the
storage device is not formatted.
Check if there are video signal input to the main device, and whether there are video images in the
channel pictures.
13) Why has the MDVR device always been in a state of restart?
Check whether the MDVR device voltage is insufficient. If the device voltage does not reach the
start voltage, the device will restart.
Hard disk or SD card may cause the MDVR device unable to start. You need to remove the storage
device and then boot up to verify whether it is caused by the storage device.
14) Why the MDVR device cannot start?
Check the device input power to see if the power wiring is correct, if there is ground wire connected
back to the battery, and if the fuse of the power wire is n good condition;
Check whether there is voltage(more than 7V) on power input ACC signal wire;
Check whether the hard disk key is turned off.
15) What is the log in user name and password for new device?
The default user name and password are both “admin”. The device password can be set as empty.
16) How to update the firmware?
Change the previous file folder name “dvrupgrade” to “upgrade”. Change the file name
FWX15-0401-05-01-V01V01V01V491087 to RMMDVR_X5_III_T2014111005_convert
17) In the ON/OFF of basic settings, the low voltage protection is 8V, why?
After testing, when the battery is lower than 8V, the voltage will lower down quickly. Therefore the
lowest voltage is set to be 8V. When it is lower than 8V, the MDVR device will recognize it as
external power-off and then enter into shutdown state.