Header Flashing
Split Tail
Soft Pull Rivet
Beam Capping
Valley Beam
150 Attachment
House Gutter
Infill Panel
Two 12 x 20 Hex Head Self
Drilling Screws on Each Side
Ridge Rafter Bracket
Angled Back Channel
Six 12 x 20 Hex Head Self
Drilling Screws
Attach Angled Back Channel To Ridge
Beam Using 10 x 16 Hex Head Self
Drilling Screws at 500mm Centres
Overhanging 150
Ridge Beam
Overhang Back Channel
Flush With End of Beam
Attach Angled Back Channel To ridge
Beam Using 10 x 16 Hex Head Self
Drilling Screws at 500mm Centres
Attach Using 10 x 16 Hex Head Self
Drilling Screws at 500mm Centres Along
Doublle Flange of Ridge Beam
150 Ridge Beam
Overhang Back Channel
6.1 Assembling Ridge Beam
Assemble ridge beam before attaching to gable frames. Fix angled
back channel to both sides of the ridge beam using 10x16 hex head
self drilling screws at 500mm centres, ensuring that the top of the
back channel is in line with the bottom of the beam chamfer as
shown in (Figure 25). The back channel should run 34mm past the
end of the beam at both ends of the ridge beam. If there is no rear
portal frame, finish the back channel flush at one end.
Fasten 10x16 hex head self drilling screws at 500mm centres along
the double flange of the ridge beam (Figure 25).
In the case of decking overhanging the gable frame, run the angled
back channel to the end of the overhanging ridge beam as shown in
(Figure 26). A ridge rafter bracket will be required on both sides of
the ridge to support overhang.
6.1 Attaching Ridge Beam
Fix the ridge rafter bracket at the ridge with six 12x20 hex head self
drilling screws through the gable frame and into the ridge knuckle.
Position the ridge beam so that the angled back channel rests on
the gable frame (Figure 27). Fix the ridge rafter bracket using two
12x20 hex head self drilling screws each side (top screw may be
fastened through the backchannel into the bracket & beam).
Figure 26
Figure 24
Figure 27
Figure 25