To convert into couch position:
Attach the Corbels to the Arms.
M i s s i o n R i m
S t r a t a F u r n i t u r e
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Assembly Instructions for all sizes.
Never lift the frame by the arm caps -
Always lift from the bottom of the arms.
To convert into bed position:
MR 0903
Secure with a short Bolt (50mm) from the inside
of the Arm at the bottom. Tighten until the
Corbel is snug.
Fit the dowel at the top of the Corbel into the hole
on the underside of the Arm,and then fit the other
dowel into the side of the Arm.
Remove any pillows and other obstructions.
Lift up the seat deck into a vertical position.
Resting seat deck on your hip,
push the foot connector down all
the way so that the foot connector
touches the side rail -
It is Very Important
that the feet are
in proper position - see diagram.
With one hand lightly push the seat
deck down and with other hand pull
on the back at the back of the mattress.
Push the seat deck in all the way.
To convert into couch position:
Lift up the seat deck into a vertical position.
Resting seat deck on your hip, rotate the foot connector
towards you until the feet are fully extended.
Set the frame down gently.
Operating Instructions:
To convert into bed position:
Operating Instructions:
DO NOT FORCE - the frame should operate easily.
Correct Foot position
50mm Bolt