Dishwasher installation steps
In stall th e furn iture d oor to the ou ter do or of th e dish washe r usin g th e b racke ts p ro vided. Refer
to the temp late fo r positioning of the brackets.
Ad just th e tension of the do o r spri ngs by usin g an All en key turnin g in a clockw ise m otion t o
tight en the left an d righ t door spring s. Failu re to d o this could cause dama ge to y our di shwas her
(Illu stra tio n 2)
Co nnect the inl et hos e to th e cold wate r supp ly
Co nnect the dr ain ho se. Re fer to diagra m (Fig ure 6)
Co nnect the po wer co rd
Affix the conde n satio n strip under the w ork sur face o f cabin et. Pl ease e n sure the co ndens ation
strip is flush with edge o f work surfa ce.
Pla ce the dish washe r into p osition .(Illus tration 4)
Le vel th e dishw asher. The r ear fo o d ca n be a d juste d from t he fro nt of th e dish washe r by tu rning
the A llen sc rew in the middle o f the b ase o f dish washer use a n Allen key (Illustra tion 5 A). To adjust
the fr ont fe et, use a flat screw driver and turn the fron t feet un til the dishw asher is leve l (Illustratio n 5B).
9 Th e dish washe r mus t be se cured in place. The re are two w ays to do thi s:
A. No rma l work s urface :Put th e insta llatio n hoo k into th e slo t of the side p lane a nd se cure it to the
wo rk sur face with the wo od screw s (Illu stratio n 6).
B. M arble o r gran ite wo rk top:Fix the side w ith Screw. ( Illustra tion 7 ).
【Figure 7】
Summary of Contents for ST INTDW45
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