The grill pan trivet
The grill pan trivet - inside the grill pan
- can be inverted to give a high or low
position, or it may be removed
altogether to suit the type of food.
The base of the compartment can also
be used - for example; when cooking
whole fish, or when browning dishes
such as cauliflower cheese.
Shelf positions
On a higher shelf position, the grill
gives coverage over the area directly
beneath the grill burner.
Use a higher shelf position for thinner
foods and faster grilling. These shelf
positions are suitable for toasting
Use the lower shelf positions for
grilling thick portions of food, or for
slower grilling. The lower shelf
positions are suitable for grilling all
types of meat and fish.
Using aluminium foil
Using aluminium foil to cover the grill
pan, or putting items wrapped in foil
under the grill creates a fire hazard.
Using the Grill
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