Installation instructions
2.1. Before installation
We recommend performing the first heating outside without heater stones before installing the heater, because the
final curing of the external heat-resistant paint of sauna heaters is completed only after heating and the curing process
may give off an unpleasant burning smell. Before that avoid scratching the metal parts of the heater. If necessary,
connect a smoke pipe to the flue outlet of the heater to get draft.
Before installation, make sure that all requirements of safety distances are met. There should be no electrical devices, wires
or combustible materials around the heater in the distances as provided by the requirements. During installation, also
chimney pipe safety requirements must be followed.
• Installation of the sauna heater must comply with all respective applicable national and EU regulations and standards.
The heater is also suitable for use in case when several fire chambers have a joint flue pipe, provided that all requirements
necessary for the operation of the heater are met. The chimney with joint flue pipe must be designed and built in compliance
with technical requirements of all heating appliances connected to the joint flue and taking into account their possible
simultaneous operation.
• Please ask for further information on the fire safety rules from local fire safety officials and representatives of relevant
supervising authorities.
• The heater must be installed in such a way that ensures an access to the heater flue pipe and chimney flue for cleaning.
2.2. Sauna room ventilation
Sauna room ventilation can be designed and built as a natural or mechanically forced ventilation.
Natural ventilation can be designed in two ways:
Fresh air inlet is located near the heater close to the floor and its outflow as far as possible from the heater, near the
Fresh air inlet is located above the heater approximately 500 mm above the upper surface of the stones, and the outlets
are located as far away from the heater as possible so that the core outlet is placed 50-100 mm higher from the floor and
the opening required for adjusting comes from the same channel drawn out under the ceiling.
The grilles installed on the inlet(s) should not impede the necessary amount of air flow.
Mechanical (forced) ventilation fans may cause problems.
Forced ventilation systems may only be designed and built by qualified specialists.
2.3. Protecting the floor
(See Fig. 2)
Stoveman heater must be installed onto a floor made of non-flammable material or on a special protective base.
A. Concrete floor without tiles.
If the concrete layer is at least 60 mm thick, the heater can be installed directly on the concrete, without applying any
additional special precautions. Make sure that there are no electrical cables or water pipes in the concrete beneath the heater.
B. Tile floor and floor made of combustible material.
Tile adhesives and mortars, as well as waterproofing materials used under tiles do not tolerate heat radiation coming from the
heater. Protect the floor with a plate made of stone or insulated metal. If the floor in front of the heater is made of
combustible material, a floor protection of non-combustible material must be installed.
The floor under the heater must be able to withstand the pressure generated by the legs of the heater with stones and chimney.
If the existing floor cannot withstand the weight of the heater, additional measures must be applied - for example, using a
load distributing plate.
2.4. Safety distances to flammable materials
(See Fig. 3)
Safety distances apply for a heater filled with heater stones.
- Ceiling.
The minimum safe distance from the surface of
heater stones to the ceiling is 1200 mm.
- Walls, benches, doors, partitions, and sauna stand made of
flammable materials.
The minimum safe distances to flammable materials are:
sides 500 mm;
back 500mm;
front (from the fire chamber door) 1000
- Stone walls (KS).
Between the side walls and the heater we
recommend leaving at least 50 mm wide air gap, provided that
air can circulate to the front and one side of the heater.
Figure 2. Floor protection