2. Once you have selected
Auto Calibration
use the dial as seen on the screen below to move the minute hand on
your connected watch. Ensure your smart watch is turned on.
Place your finger on the small white circle and move either clockwise or counter-clockwise. As you move the circle on
screen your connected watch’s minute hand should move. Use this to move the minute hand of your watch to the
12:00 position. Once set select
3. Repeat the above steps to calibrate the hour hand to 12:00. Once finished select
Your watch will now be calibrated to the correct time. The next step is to input your personal profile information. .
7. Profile Input
Profile information helps your watch learn more about you as a user and helps you achieve your fitness goals.
1. From the homescreen of the app, select the small arrow in the top right hand corner.
2. The next screen should appear as below. From here, select
Unit Setting
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