Installation Instructions
7. Place the next wall bracket on vertical track and align holes with the 4
hole from the bottom on the vertical
track. Install a quick-release pin (D) thru the wall bracket hole to temporarily hold the bracket in place.
8. Ensure vertical track is plumb, then trace outline of the lower wall bracket on to wall with a pencil.
9. Remove quick-release pins and vertical track and set aside.
10. Place lower wall bracket on wall where traced.
Vertical track
15. Repeat steps 4-14 for the second set of vertical track and
horizontal arms.
16. Adjust spacing for the horizontal arms to meet your specific
storage needs by removing quick-release pins and sliding
horizontal arm up and down as necessary; reinstall quick-
release pins fully thru the horizontal arm after adjusting.
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Updated: 5-2-2019
11. Mark location of mounting screw hole. Drill pilot hole where
marked, using a drill bit narrower than the screws' threads of the
provided wall screws. Erase pencil markings if desired.
12. Securely mount lower wall bracket using wall screw and washer
13. Install horizontal arms on the vertical track at approximate desired
Note: spacing can be adjusted later as needed.
Slide the
horizontal arms over the vertical track as shown below. The felt
padding should face upwards. Insert quick-release pins fully
through the holes provided to secure arms at desired spacing.
*The top arm should be installed thru the top hole of the vertical
track (as shown to the right).
*The bottom arm should be installed thru the bottom hole in the
vertical track.
14. Install the vertical track (with arms attached from step 13) between
the mounted wall brackets. Secure with provided vertical bar
hardware (bolt, nut & 2 washers). Install a washer on the outsides
of each wall bracket. The hardware should be installed in the 4
hole from the top and 4
hole from the bottom on the vertical
Top horizontal
arm and quick-
release pin
Arm Installation (typical)