Please refer to the diagram (Figure 1) to install the Frame.
Figure 2
As Figure 2 shown find Top bent tube (part code 1), Middle bent tube (part code2) and Sidewall
bent tubes (part code3). To connect them by Screw M8x70
part code 9
, which makes one group
of arches. Please NOTE the direction of the screw. DO NOT install the screws on the top of the
truss where the fabric will rest.
Life an assembled arch into one base plate and force the other end of the arch into the opposite
base plate.
When finishing installing the first two arches, connect the Connection purlins onto them by using
screw M10x80
part code 10
.There are 5 pieces of Connection purlins (part code 4) between
two groups. Then install the third arch into base plate and connect the purlins. Finally install the
Support tube (part code 5) using Screw M8x70
part code9
and Clip (part code 6). By turns the
assembly for the frame is finished.