Configuring the Appliance
C o n fi g u r i n g t h e A p p l i a n c e
Before the appliance can offer any services to the users, you must
configure the networking settings for all interfaces you intend to use.
Start by
Defining the Basic Settings
The only interface that is defined when you receive the appliance is the
management port eth0_0 on the appliance’s back panel. The default IP
address of the management port is You can change the
default IP address and other default settings for the appliance in the
Engine Configuration Wizard.
To start the Engine Configuration Wizard
Connect the supplied null-modem cable to the serial port on the
appliance’s front panel and to a computer that you will use for a
terminal connection.
On the computer, open a terminal with the following settings:
9600 bps, 8 databits, 1 stopbit, no parity.
Turn on the appliance using the power button. The engine bootup
process is shown in the console and, after some time, the Engine
Configuration Wizard starts.
To set the keyboard layout
Highlight the entry field for
Keyboard Layout
and press Enter. The
Select Keyboard Layout dialog opens.