1 | User information
10/2019 | ID 443150_en.00
User information
This documentation is a part of the product. It applies to products in the standard design according to the corresponding
STOBER catalog.
Storage and transfer
As this documentation contains important information for handling the product safely and efficiently, it must be stored in
the immediate vicinity of the product until product disposal and be accessible to qualified personnel at all times.
Also pass on this documentation if the product is transferred or sold to a third party.
Original language
The original language of this documentation is German; all other language versions are derived from the original language.
Formatting conventions
Orientation guides in the form of signal words are used to emphasize specific information so that you are able identify it in
this documentation quickly.
Safety notes indicate special risks when handling the product and are accompanied by relevant signal words that express
the extent of the risk. In addition, warning notes for possible property damage and useful information are also indicated by
signal words.
This word with a warning triangle indicates that there is a considerable risk of fatal injury
if the stated precautionary measures are not taken.
This word with a warning triangle means there may be a considerable risk of fatal injury
if the stated precautionary measures are not taken.
This word with a warning triangle indicates that minor personal injury may occur
if the stated precautionary measures are not taken.
This indicates that damage to property may occur
if the stated precautionary measures are not taken.