DocID018909 Rev 11
Serial audio interface (SAI)
Serial audio interface (SAI)
This section applies to the STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx family.
29.1 Introduction
The SAI interface (serial audio interface) offers a wide set of audio protocols due to its
flexibility and wide range of configurations. Many stereo or mono audio applications may be
targeted. I2S standards, LSB or MSB-justified, PCM/DSP, TDM, and AC’97 protocols may
be addressed for example.
To bring this level of flexibility and configurability, the SAI contains two audio sub-blocks that
are fully independent of each other. Each audio sub-block is connected to up to 4 pins (SD,
SCK, FS, MCLK). Some of these pins can be shared if the two sub-blocks are declared as
synchronous to leave some free to be used as general purpose I/Os. The MCLK pin can be
output, or not, depending on the application, the decoder requirement and whether the
audio block is configured as the master.
The SAI can work in master or slave configuration. The audio sub-blocks can be either
receiver or transmitter and can work synchronously or not (with respect to the other one).