1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of this Documentation
Introduction (Chapter
This chapter shows how this documentation is structured and meant to be read as well as
some project organisation.
System Description (Chapter
Here one can read all about the core Cortex-M3 and it’s implementation from STMicroelec-
tronics into the STM32F103 processor. The development boards from Olimex as well as the
BFH mother board are presented and the interfaces shown.
Keil SDK (Chapter
This chapter shows how to set up a new project with the Keil Software Development Kit
Vision3 and how to compile, simulate, download and debug software.
Peripherals (Chapter
The biggest part of this documentation is showing how the peripherals are controlled. Ex-
ample programs from using simple inputs and outputs to complex interrupts are provided.
This example based chapter shows you the way of using peripherals with simple examples.
1.2 Timeline
Start: March 1, 2009
Project deadline: August 30, 2009
Presentation (BFH Biel): December 14, 2009
1.3 Symbols used in this Document
This warning should be taken seriously. Ignoring warnings could cause problems or
destroy devices.
Sample Code:
Shows that a sample code exists in the directory
void doSomeThing()