DocID024383 Rev 1
Software GUI description
As soon as the START button is pressed the sniffing date and time is shown. Each time
a data frame is received this number represents the time passed (in seconds) after the
previous received data frame.
2. This symbol represents the frame type, and can be one of the following:
DAT: Data frame
SER: Service frame
PNG: Ping frame
ERR: Error frame
PRG: Programming frame
ACK: Acknowledge frame
BAK: Back acknowledgment frame
UNK: Unknown frame type
*P*: Frame rejected because a wrong postamble
*C*: Frame rejected because a wrong CRC
3. S:0x...: Sender device address (without group indication)
4. D:0x...: Target device (destination) address (without group indication)
5. Frame sent in Unicast (-U) or Broadcast (+B)
6. Frame with acknowledgment required (+A) or not required (-A)
7. Frame with back acknowledgment required (+b) or not required (-b)
8. Frame can be repeated (+R) or repeating disable for that frame (-R)
9. Normal repeating mode (-n) or static repeating mode (+s)
10. Grouping enabled (+G) or disabled (-G)
11. Data not encrypted (-E) or encrypted data (+E)
12. ID:xxx Indicates the frame ID number (xxx)
13. FEC: nnn Represents the number of the FEC (forward error check) correction for that
data frame. This is done by the sniffer device, giving an idea of the line noise in the
around where the sniffer is placed. The FEC algorithm is the same as the one
implemented in the module firmware
14. LEN:yyy Indicates the user data payload length
15. HOP: hhh This is the hop level of the received data frame