1300 777 137
MODEL: IA0850 PRODUCT CODE: 51703 12/2015
Getting Started (cont)
Carpet Preparation
Before cleaning your carpets, here are some steps to help you prepare the area to be deep cleaned.
1. Move the furniture from the room to be cleaned (optional).
2. Using a dry vacuum cleaner, vacuum the area to be deep cleaned.
3. For high traffic areas such as entry and hallways, a commercial pre-treater can be used (optional).
4. Plan your cleaning route, it is recommended to begin cleaning in the corner furthest away from
your exit point.
Check for Colour Fastness
Before cleaning your carpets, it is recommended to do a patch test for colour fastness.
1. Dampen a white cloth with water and gently rub a small area to be cleaned which is out of sight.
2. Check the cloth for bleeding, if the cloth remains clean, it is safe to clean the carpets.
Do not use the Carpet Cleaner as a dry vacuum cleaner.