Storing fuel mixture
Store in approved safety fuel canisters only in a
dry, cool and secure place protected against light
and sunlight.
Fuel mixture deteriorates with age – mix only as
much as needed for a few weeks. Do not store
fuel mixture for longer than 30 days. The fuel
mixture can become unusable more quickly if
exposed to light, sunlight or low or high tempera‐
STIHL MotoMix however can be stored for up to
5 years without any problems.
► Shake the canister containing the fuel mixture
thoroughly before refueling
Pressure may have built up in the canister –
open it carefully.
► The fuel tank and the canister in which fuel
mixture is stored should be cleaned thoroughly
from time to time
Residual fuel and the liquid used for cleaning
must be disposed of in accordance with regula‐
tions and without harming the environment!
10 Fueling
Preparing the machine
001BA229 KN
► Before fueling, clean the cap and the area
around it to ensure that no dirt falls into the
fuel tank
► Always position the machine so that the cap is
facing upwards
Different markings on filler caps
Filler caps and fuel tanks can be marked differ‐
Depending on the version, filler cap and fuel tank
may be available with or without markings.
001BA240 KN
Filler cap - without markings
Filler cap - with markings on cap
and fuel tank
Filler cap without marking
To open:
001BA218 KN
► Open bracket until it is vertical
001BA219 KN
► Turn the filler cap counterclockwise
(approx. 1/4 turn)
10 Fueling