Identify your soundboard braces: the two long X-braces (T-1
on the blueprint), the tall front shoulder brace (T-5), and the
tone-bars (T-2) are radiused . The four small braces (T-3) are
not radiused . The wide flat brace (T-6) is not used on this
model guitar, you can discard it .
With the soundboard face down on your workboard, place
these two X-braces on the penciled lines and mark where
they cross . With a razor saw, notch the radiused T-1 braces
so they interlock . Using the rigid workboard, dry-clamp the
ends in place, flat to the soundboard (pictured) . Clamp
the center of the “X” down, using one or two long cam
clamps . The combination of the curved braces and the rigid
workboard will produce the proper soundboard arch (a 28-
foot radius) when the clamps are removed .
As shown in the blueprint, the ends of the T-2 tone-bars,
the four small T-3 braces, and the maple bridge plate tuck
under the X-braces . File these notches in the X-braces at a
45° angle (pictured) . Using a sharp chisel, carefully shape
a matching angle on one end of these braces where they
tuck under . Reclamp the X-braces onto the soundboard and
workboard . Check the fit of the tone bars in the notches .
Disassemble, apply Titebond to the braces and tone bars,
reclamp, and let the glue dry overnight . This work can be
done in stages, depending upon the number of available
clamps . Use two flat clamping cauls for each pair of tone
bars, with the soundboard resting on your workboard to
keep it flat at this stage (pictured) . Cut the three flat sound-
hole reinforcement strips (T-4) to length and glue them into
position on the soundboard .
Transfer the outline of the bridge plate from the bracing pat-
tern to the flat maple bridge plate stock . Saw out the plate
and true its edges against a piece of sandpaper taped to a
flat work surface . Don’t drill the bridge pin holes yet; this will
be done later . File a 45° bevel at each end of the bridge plate
and check for proper fit in the X-brace notches . File off each
pointed end of the bridge plate so that it can slide forward
as it tucks under the X-braces . Prepare a wooden clamping
caul to fit snugly over the installed bridge plate between
the X-braces, and glue the plate onto the soundboard with
Titebond or hide glue . The lower clamp jaws should contact
the back of your workboard to protect the spruce soundboard .