With reasonable care, you may expect many years of trouble-free use of
your Stewart projection screen.
Refer to the following guidelines if you encounter a difficulty in the operation
of your Stewart Filmscreen. Problems related to electrical or motor function
may require a qualified service person or electrician.
Should you have a problem that is not addressed here, call the Stewart
Filmscreen Corporation.
CineCurve: Owner’s Manual
CineCurve: Owner’s Manual
Problem description
Probable cause
Action to take
Dirt, finger prints, marks, etc. on
screen surface.
Improper handling of screen.
Brush off or use a mild detergent
solution with clean rag or cotton swab.
Motor chatters when power is
Can be caused by voltage drop,
bad connections, or a defective
Have an electrician or qualified service
person check all hook-ups including all
outboard wiring.
When retracting the masks,
grinding noise occurs.
Drop in voltage.
Motor requires full voltage. Have an
electrician or qualified service person
check available voltage.