The vacuum cleaner is warranteed for 1 year from the date of purchase. Parts not covered under warranty are power
cords, filters, motor brushes and squeegee blades. The warranty covers only failure due to defective parts or workman-
ship and will be invalidated by improper application and abuse.
Under no circumstances should you return a failed unit to the factory. If you experience any problems with your vacuum
during the warranty period, contact the Customer Service Department.
Limited Warranty
The primary filter is the enclosed paper bag. This sealed filter is for single-use only and should always be installed for dry
pick-up. When the filter bag is approximately half full, the efficiency of the vacuum is reduced. Therefore, to MAXIMIZE
air flow and cleaning productivity, the paper filter bag should be replaced between ¼ and ½ full. See recommended
procedure below for safely replacing the paper filter bag. Once removed, place the filled paper filter bag in a specially
marked plastic bag and dispose according to your State regulations.
The secondary filter is a Dacron filter bag. It is attached to the
square HEPA media housing via an elastic band. If replacing the
paper filter bag fails to improve vacuum performance, replacing
the Dacron filter bag is recommended. When replacing the Dacron
filter bag, visibly inspect the polyester spacer sleeve and pre-filter.
If there is any evidence of tears, excessive discoloring or clogging,
replace the polyester spacer sleeve and pre-filter at the same time
as the Dacron filter bag. If the material appears white and clean, it
can be re-used with a new Dacron filter bag.
If replacing the paper filter bag, Dacron filter bag and polyester spacer sleeve fail to significantly improve vacuum per-
formance, the HEPA filter is clogged and must be replaced. Dispose of the clogged HEPA filter is the same manner as
the enclosed paper bag.
Recommended procedures for safely removing and replacing the disposable paper filter bag:
1. Remove vacuum head and HEPA filter.
2. Tape a 6 mil poly bag over the entire canister so that the canister is completely enclosed.
3. Using the poly bag as a glove, disengage the paper bag from the vacuum inlet stem inside the canister.
4. Invert the canister so that the paper bag falls into the poly bag. Seal the poly bag and dispose as prescribed by State
5. Attach a new paper bag to the vacuum inlet securely.
6. Replace the HEPA filter and motor head.
7. Thoroughly vacuum the work area to recover any harmful dust left after the above steps.
HEPA Filter
Air Seal Gasket
Polyester Prefilter
Spacer Sleeve
Dacron Filter Bag
HEPA Filter Assembly