23.- The hours
On screen appears an analog watch. Look the hour and write it.
Press INTRO (3) to con
rm the answer.
24.- Calculator
With your talking notebook you can make basic math functions
(addition, subtract, multiplication, division). Use the math function
keys (12) and the numerical keyboard (1) to do the operations. It
doesn’t accept decimals, always will display entire numbers.
25.- Keyboard tutor
On screen appears some letters. The objective of the game is to
prevent the letters falling down. Press the corresponding key to
make a good game.
26.- Multiplication table
On screen appears the multiplication tables, also you can hear
the multiplication song.
27.- Do, Re, Mi
On screen appears a piano keyboard, press any key of the
musical notes to listen the sound. You can familiarize with the
basic music notes.
28.- Music composition
Press the musical keys to compose a song. Once you have
ished, if you want to hear it, press PLAY (J). If you want to make
a pause , press PAUSE (K). If you want to begin a new song,
press RESET (L) and the last song will be deleted.
29.- Melodies
On screen appears a pre-established melodies list. Press the
number of the desired melody and then you can hear it.
30.- Car Races
On screen appears a circuit, use the cursor keys or the mouse
to control the car. To begin, press J letter, if you want to make a
pause, press K letter, press L letter to continue the game.
31.- Tangram
First, choose the
gures and rotate them, using the arrows or the
cursor keys Press INTRO (3) to choose the