background image




Input: 5 V - - - 2 A

Minimum light: 0.5 lux

Video compression: H.264 720p

Video: 25 fps and 30 fps

Audio format: G.726

Protocol: TCP/IP

Wireless network: 802.11b/g/n

Maximum micro SD card capacity: 64 GB

Door sensor

Input: 1.5 V - - - (1 x AA)

Stand-by current: < 2.5 µA

Operating current: < 30 mA

Operating frequency: 433 MHz

Range: up to 60 m (open area)

Motion sensor

Input: 9 V - - -  (1 x 6RL61)

Stand-by current: < 25 µA

Operating current: < 15 mA

Detection angle: 110°

Operating frequency: 433 MHz

Range: up to 60 m (open area)

Detection distance: 8 m

Remote control

Input: 12 V - - -  (1 x 27A)

Stand-by current: < 2.5 µA

Operating current: < 15 mA

Operating temperature: -10 to 50°C

RH: < 85% non condensed

AD/DC converter

Input: 100 - 240 V ~  50 - 60 Hz  0.5 A

Output: 5 V - - - 2 A

Specifications may change 

without notice

Summary of Contents for CCTV-2000

Page 1: ...Sistema de seguridad Wi Fi con c mara y sensores Manual de instrucciones V0 0 0617v...

Page 2: ...onsable de su seguri dad La empresa no se hace responsable por el uso indebido del contenido generado con este producto No extraiga la tarjeta micro SD mientras la c mara est grabando puede provocar m...

Page 3: ...3...

Page 4: ...4 CONTENIDO C mara Sensores PIR Controles Sensores magn ticos...

Page 5: ...Alarma por detecci n de movimiento activada Alarma activada Grabaci n en tarjeta micro SD Entrada RJ45 para cable de red Entrada de alimentaci n Bot n de reinicio Infrarrojos Visi n nocturna Micr fon...

Page 6: ...ornillo inferior del sensor para retirar la cubierta Retire el tornillo e inserte una bater a tipo 27A en el compartimento Vuelva a colocar la cubierta Saque el conector tipo broche Conecte una bater...

Page 7: ...7 CONEXIONES Conecte la c mara a un contacto el ctrico Utilice un cable de red para conectar la c mara al m dem...

Page 8: ...rimera vez debe crear una cuenta personal Utilice la opci n Mailbox user ID Las im genes presentadas corresponden a un dispositivo con sistema operativo iOS y aplicaci n iEye camera 03 24 02 00 se mue...

Page 9: ...unos segundos aparecer el mensaje Discover 1 new device presione para continuar 3 Asigne un nombre para identificar la c mara e introduzca la contrase a predetermina da 123456 Presione Save para conti...

Page 10: ...dispositivo Activar Desactivar defensa Men de configuraci n Registro de grabaciones Modificar contrase a Presione para empezar a monitorear Si activa la alerta activar la alarma con el control remoto...

Page 11: ...a Cambiar a pantalla completa Deslice los dedos sobre la pantalla Tomar una fotograf a Mantenga presionado mientras habla para que el mensaje se escuche en el altavoz de la c mara Activar Desactivar d...

Page 12: ...S SENSORES Y EL CONTROL REMOTO 1 Ingrese al men de configuraci n Seleccione Add sensors 2 Presione para seleccionar el tipo de dispositivo sensor o control remoto Sensores magn ticos y de movimiento C...

Page 13: ...o sea exitosa en el sensor de movimiento repita los pasos anteriores y presione el bot n interno Espere hasta que finalice la b squeda Si el dispositivo se ha agregado correctamente podr verlo en la l...

Page 14: ...esactive las opciones de su preferencia Notificaci n en el dispositivo m vil Notificaciones SMS Notificaciones por correo electr nico Activar Desactivar detecci n de movimiento Activar Desactivar tono...

Page 15: ...15 Si ha activado las notificaciones en el dispositivo m vil recibir alertas de acuerdo con la configuraci n seleccionada Deslice para visualizar...

Page 16: ...aca y pegue el detector A en el marco de la puerta repita el proceso para el elemento magn tico B y col quelo en la puerta Aseg rese de que las marcas triangulares coincidan Adhiera el sensor y el ele...

Page 17: ...agn tico B en la puerta Aseg rese de que las marcas triangulares coincidan Recuerde La distancia entre ambas partes del sensor no debe exceder los 15 mm Retire la tapa del detector y atorn llela en el...

Page 18: ...18 Sensor de movimiento...

Page 19: ...eraci n 433 MHz Alcance hasta 60 m rea abierta Sensor de movimiento Alimentaci n 9 V 1 x 6LR61 Corriente en reposo 25 A Corriente de operaci n 15 mA ngulo de detecci n 110 Frecuencia de operaci n 433...

Page 20: ...HOME AND OFFICE SECURITY SYSTEM User Manual V0 0 0617v...

Page 21: ...ot responsible by bad use of the content with this product Don t remove the microSD card while the camera is recording may cause mal function and losing data Don t place heavy objects over the camera...

Page 22: ...22 CONTENT Camera PIR Sensors Controls Magnetic sensors...

Page 23: ...TION Antennas Lens Network connection Alarm activated by motion detection Alarm activated Recording in Micro SD card RJ45 input Power input Reset button Infrarred Nigth vision Microphone Support hole...

Page 24: ...Place the cover again Remove the bottom screw of the sensor to remove the cover Remove the screw and insert a 27A battery Place a cover again Pull up the fastener Connect a 9 V battery and adjust into...

Page 25: ...25 CONNECTIONS Connect the camera into an outlet Use a network cable to connect the camera to the modem...

Page 26: ...ate a personal account Use the Mailbox user ID option The showed images corresponding to an iOS device and the iEye camera app 03 24 02 00 it is only for reference This app is not property of Steren t...

Page 27: ...r to the app After a few seconds will appears the message Discover 1 new device press to continue 3 Assign a name to identify the camera and enter the default password 123456 Press Save to continue 2...

Page 28: ...hange the camera name Activate Deactivate defense Setting menu Recording history Password setting Press to start to monitor If you activate the alarm alert armed with the remote control you must wait...

Page 29: ...the microphone Full screen Slide the fingers over the screen Take a photo Press and hold while you talk the message is listen in the speaker of the camera Activate Deactivate defense Always adjust the...

Page 30: ...30 PAIRING THE SENSORS AND THE REMOTE CONTROL 1 Enter to setting menu and select Add sensors 2 Press to select the device type sensor or remote control Magnetic sensors and motion Remote control...

Page 31: ...sensor fails while pairing repeat the previous steps and press the internal button Wait until the search is over If the device is correctly added you will see in the list Remember that you must confi...

Page 32: ...2 Activate or deactivate the options that you want Notification in your mobile SMS Notification Notification in your e mail Activate Deactivate motion detection Activate Deactivate emergency tone in t...

Page 33: ...33 If you have activate the notifications in your mobile device you will receive alerts according with the selected configuration Slide to watch...

Page 34: ...r from the plate and paste the detector A in the door s frame repeat the same process for the magnetic element B Ensure that the triangular marks must be aligned Paste the sensor and the magnetic elem...

Page 35: ...lement B in the door Ensure that the triangular marks must be aligned Remember The distance between both parts of the sensor don t must exceed 15 mm Remove the cover from the detec tor and screw it in...

Page 36: ...36 Motion sensor...

Page 37: ...rrent 30 mA Operating frequency 433 MHz Range up to 60 m open area Motion sensor Input 9 V 1 x 6RL61 Stand by current 25 A Operating current 15 mA Detection angle 110 Operating frequency 433 MHz Range...

Page 38: ......
