SteppIR Antennas — MonstIR
Installing the Fiberglass Element Support Tubes (EST's)
The butt ends of the green fiberglass poles may vary slightly in outside diameter. Some of
them may have been sanded, while others were not. The colors at the ends will be either
beige, or black. The difference in colors has no affect on performance. Do not be concerned
if they vary slightly in tightness when being installed on the EHUs. this is normal. All poles
are tested for proper fit at the factory prior to shipping. In the event a pole is too tight you
can sand it to fit.
The EHTs on the Director 1 EHU have aluminum
reinforcing rings attached to provide extra strength
in high wind conditions (
Picture 31
) and prevent
the boot from ever sliding off. There are 8 EST’s,
two of them attach directly into the Director 1
EHU. The other six form the last section of each
70’ element half.
Place a
rubber boot (
Picture 21.5
) on the butt end of the EST and insert the butt end
of that EST into the Director 1 Element Housing Tubes (EHT) on an EHU, as shown
It is
very important
to ensure that the butt end of the EST firmly bottoms out in-
side the EHT.
After making sure the EST is seated all the way into the EHT
it is equally
push the rubber boot firmly onto the EHT until it bottoms positioning the
clamp completely past the aluminum ring (
Picture 32a
), then tighten the clamp sealing the
boot on the fiberglass EHT. After insuring both stainless steel hose clamps are firmly tighten,
one over the EHT and the other over the EST, test the connection by pulling and twisting it.
There should be no slippage at the joints
You should re-tighten each clamp a second time (at least 30 minutes after the first
time you tightened them) before raising the antenna to the tower, to be sure that
there has been no cold flowing of the PVC material on the boot.
Picture 32a
Picture 32
Picture 31