Appendix F:
Replacing the Driven Element Bracket
(Original 3 element only)
For customers who purchased a 3 element antenna before March 2003 your element housing brackets
may have been of a different design (Figure 3-C). If you have the original style element housing bracket
you will need to install a new style element housing bracket on your boom (Figure 3) before you can
mount the new 40m - 30m driven element housing unit.
A 3 element boom layout drawing (Figure 1) is provided to give you the necessary dimensions to install
the new element housing bracket as well as the new element return bracket.
Remove Existing Driven Element & its Bracket:
Retract all elements:
Using the controller:
Go to “Setup” mode and press ‘Select’
Using the ‘UP’ - ‘DN’ buttons find “Retract Elements” and press ‘Select’
Using the ‘UP’ - ‘DN’ buttons find “Yes” and press ‘Select’
Wait for the “ * ” to stop flashing
The elements are now retracted
Disconnect the coax and control cable for the driven element
Loosen the clamps holding the two quick disconnect rubber boots securing the fiberglass tele-
scoping poles
Remove the two fiberglass telescoping poles (FTPs) from the driven element housing
Remove the driven element housing unit from its mounting bracket
Remove the driven element housing mounting bracket from the boom
Install the New Element Mounting Bracket:
Drilling instructions
Measure & mark the boom to install the new bracket per Figure 1.
Secure the return bracket firmly in place with some type of clamp
Make sure to level the bracket with respect to the other element brackets using either a
level or actually mounting the element and eyeballing it.
Drill four 5/16” holes, two in from each side, through the bracket and the boom. You will
NOT be using the original holes in the boom.
Warning: Make sure that the bracket does not slip or twist while drilling.
Keep the drill straight while drilling to produce a clean round hole. It may be helpful to
drill both holes for one bolt and then install that bolt providing more positive alignment
for the second pair of holes.
Install the two 5/16” bolts with Nylok nuts & tighten. These bolts should fit as snug as
possible in the holes.
SteppIR Antennas - 3 Element