Trouble shooting:
Activate UP briefly.
Decode the sequence of beeps given or observe the pattern of flashes on LED 3.
The sequence consists of a total of 8 beeps/flashes. A short signal indicates OK-state, a long signal
indicates error.
Error 1 to 4 – Common:
Check that supply voltage lies within the prescribed voltage area, both during operation and when lift is
stopped. If supply voltage drops when lift is working it will often be registrated as a pulse error.
Check that signal cables from posts are connected to the right plugs on the control board. If X3 and X4
have been interchanged it will give a pulse error when lift is synchronizing, or goes unlevelled to the bottom
limit switch.
Starting error, motor post
Time during which contactor is pulling and until
pulses are ok is too long
Switch off lift during 30 sec and re-start (to cancel
the error).
Activate UP. Does motor start up shortly ?
Check V-belt and pulse system; check that cable
from pulse system is not damaged and is
connected correctly.
Check motor and contactor. Motor must be able to
start easily, otherwise there is a mechanical defect,
or the lift is overloaded. Contactor must pull when
LED5 is alight, otherwise either contactor or circuit
board is defective.
Impulse error, motor post
Time between single pulses is not within the
Check that all magnets on V-belt pulley activate
pulse sensor on upper plate.
Check V-belt and pulse system; check that cable
from pulse system is not damaged and is
connected correctly
Starting error, post opposite motor post
Time during which contactor is pulling and until
pulses are ok is too long
Switch off lift during 30 sec and re-start (to cancel
the error).
Activate UP. Does motor start up shortly ?
Check V-belt and pulse system; check that cable
from pulse system is not damaged and is
connected correctly.
Check motor and contactor. Motor must be able to
start easily, otherwise there is a mechanical defect,
or the lift is overloaded. Contactor must pull when
LED7 is alight, otherwise either contactor or circuit
board is defective.
Pulse error, post opposite motor post
The time between single pulses is not within the
Check that all magnets on V-belt pulley activate
pulse sensor on upper plate.
Check V-belt and pulse system; check that cable
from pulse system is not damaged and is
connected correctly