Audio - Video - Control Engineering
82 549 Koenigsdorf - GERMANY
Vorab IS6_BDA_V1_01_eng.doc
STEMIN GmbH 2007
Seite 16 von 29
3.3.1 Maximum cable length
The service conference terminals needs an operating voltage of at least 18V too.The
provided power supply IS6PS1 generates a operating voltage of 30V, therefore a cable
length of 30 meters to the last service conference terminal is possible.
3.4 Connection of external units
Turn off the central unit on the main switch, before connecting external units.
With the two 15-pin SubD cables the 6 possible languages and the original signal can
be listened to. The signals at the SubD-sockets are available floating balanced.
At the RCA.jacks the 6 languages and the original signal are avaiable unbalaced.
4. Operating
4.1 Powering up
If you have connected the power supply to a switchable power circuit, switch the circuit
Set the POWER switch to "I" to switch the central unit on.
The green LED „ON“ lights up with a time delay of approximately 3 seconds. During this
phase, the central unit initializes itself and stabilizes its internal voltage supply. It is pos-
sible that during the initialization several LEDs are lighting up, that’s normal.
4.2 Powering down
Set the POWER switch to "0" to switch the central unit off. The IS6PS1 power supply
will draw a small amount of current even when it’s switched off. To save energy, dis-
connect the power cable from the power outlet. If you connected the power supply to a
switchable power circuit, switch the circuit off, too.
4.3 Working with the central unit
4.3.1 Influencing original signal
With the rotary control „INPUT ORIGINAL – Volume, Bass and Treble“ a principle pre-
adjustment of the original signal can be made. The level is shown on the right side of
the central unit (CHANNEL OUT „OR“). Please adjust the level only so far that the red
LED (+3dB) doesn’t light up, because then the signal will be distorted. Nevertheless, e-
very interpreter can adjust Volume, Bass and Treble at „his“ conference terminal as it’s
4.3.2 Microphone sensivity conference terminals
With the rotary control „LEVEL“ of „INTERPRETER-BOOTH1...6“ you can adjust the le-
vel of the microphone of the conference terminal. Please adjust the level only so far that
the red LED (+3dB) doesn’t light up, because then the signal will be distorted
4.3.3 LED – indicators
In every „INTERPRETER-BOOTH“ section are three types of indications: First the blue
LED „ON“ which indicates if the conference terminal is activated. Then there are the y-
ellow „CHANNEL“-indicators, which are inidcating if and on which channel the confe-
rence terminal is activated. In addition there is the red "SERV" - LED, which indicates if
the conference terminal has switched to the talk-back- channel (Service).