Frost-free warning
The Snowflake icon is displayed when the tem-
perature set point is between 3°C (37°F) and
5°C (41°F). A minimum temperature will be
maintained to ensure frost control.
Display in degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit
The thermostat can display the ambient tem-
perature and the set point in degrees Celsius
(standard factory setting) or Fahrenheit.
Selection procedure for degree Celsius/Fahr-
enheit display
1. From the Day mode, simultaneously press
down the two buttons for more than 3 sec-
onds until the icon starts to blink.
2. Press down the right button to switch from
the degrees Celsius to the degrees Fahren-
heit, and conversely. The degree Celsius or
Fahrenheit symbol will be displayed.
3. When the adjustment is completed, release
the buttons and wait for 5 seconds to exit the
adjustment function.
Fan mode
When the thermostat is used to control a heat-
ing system equipped with a fan, the Fan mode
MUST be activated. This mode prevents the
system to continuously start and stop, which
could cause fan failure. The Fan mode is by
default deactivated at the factory. The status
of this mode is indicated on the display by the
Fan icon.
Adjustment procedure for the Fan mode
1. From the Day mode, simultaneously press
down the two buttons for more than 3 sec-
onds, until the icon starts to blink.
2. Press down the left button to activate or de-
activate the Fan mode. The Fan icon will be
displayed or not, as applicable.
3. When the adjustment is completed, release
the buttons and wait for 5 seconds to exit the
adjustment function.