The most overlooked factor in the reproduction of music is the impact of tonal coloration introduced
by the room. Any listening space has its own unique room coloration and its characteristics will
depend upon factors such as the size of the room and the degree to which the room and furniture
surfaces reflect or absorb sound. The location of a loudspeaker and the position of the listener also
affect the sound. Even the best loudspeaker can only be perfectly optimized and tuned to one room
and one listening position. A telltale sign of room coloration is a strong variation in bass level throug-
hout the room.
Our unique, patented RoomPerfect™ system is an enormous advance in combating tonal coloration.
During installation, your Steinway Lyngdorf certified installer will use the system’s built-in functio-
nality to perform a full three dimensional mapping of the coloration of your room to match loud-
speaker locations with your preferred listening positions. RoomPerfect™ will use that information to
tune out the tonal coloration of your listening space and so allow you to enjoy your music perfectly.
The RoomPerfect™ logo on top of the head unit will be illuminated once perfect sound for your li-
stening space has been accurately calibrated. The effect is astonishing – superb evenness and sound
balance in every corner of your listening environment.
Should you later wish to rearrange your furniture, add a rug or move your loudspeakers, the Room-
Perfect™ process will need to be repeated. Please contact your Steinway Lyngdorf certified installer.
Moving the head unit to a different location will not require a new calibration to be made.