Slide off the lid for battery compartment on the back of tester
Properly connect a Fresh 9VDC Alkaline battery to the connectors in the battery compartment
Slide in the lid for the battery compartment on the back of the tester
To Test the battery, Press & Hold the “Push To Test “ button, if the Low Bat. LED did not turn ON, then, your
battery is OK, otherwise change the battery
Wear the wrist strap properly & ensure that the cuff is snugly worn & the inner layer of it is in full contact with
the wrist skin
Connect the Cord to the Band via snap end termination
S1114 provides 3 Connecting Point to the Tester:
1. Via Plugging-in the banana end termination of the cord to the receptcale on the top panel of the tester
2. Via Alligator Clip to the post
via 3/8” (10mm) male stud (for wrist straps with 3/8” (10mm) Female soket.
Press & Hold the “Push To Test” Button
A Good Wrist Strap Assembly, properly worn within resistance range of 900K (Lo Fail Limit) & 10 Megohm
(High Fail Limit) will turn the GREEN LED ON, indicating
the “Pass” status.