Servicing should only be performed by a Qualified Service Agent
All faults, warnings, and errors are given in plain English text. Some have a Code alpha/numeric value
assigned. Please read the full English text and not the alpha/numeric value when calling for assistance.
Following is a complete list of all faults, warnings, and errors for this commercial gas control.
0x0D: AC Reversed
0x45: Upper Probe Short
0x46: Lower Probe Short
0x47: Upper Probe Open
0x48: Lower Probe Open
0xB4: Flame Probe Short
0xA9: Flame Detect Error
0xA5: Energy Cut Out (ECO)
0xA6: Low Gas
0xA7: Blocked Air Intake
0xA8: Blocked Exhaust Event
0xAC: Blower Prover Failure
0x1AC: Blower Prover Open
0xAE: Igniter Current Error
0x1AE: Low Igniter Current
0xB2: Ignition Failure
0xAA: Gas Valve Error
0x1AA: Gas Valve Failure
EEPROM Failure
Hardware Failure
RAM Failure
UIM Screen
Model Config Fail
Power Supply Fail
MCB Comm Error
Communication Failure
Low Anode Protection (Warning)
0xD2: No Anode Current (Warning)
0xD6: No Anode Voltage (Warning)