The unit is now ready for use. All the power sources – Battery, PV and Grid – can now be used to provide seamless
power to the connected loads in the following manner:
I. Turn on the battery Circuit Breaker. The unit should power up within 1-2 seconds and the display should come up.
Use the front display-keypad panel to view the battery voltage and other relevant parameters. Ensure that the
battery is in charged condition.
II. Within 15 seconds the inverter should start providing AC 230V/ 400V output on the load terminals. The load
circuit breaker should be in OFF condition at this moment.
III. Ensure that initially only a couple of loads such as bulbs/ CFL etc. are connected. Turn on the Load circuit
breaker and check that the connected loads are getting powered up. Check the display panel for the same. Now,
increase the loads one by one up to a maximum load of the capacity of inverter.
IV. Turn on the PV Circuit Breaker. Ensure PV power is available during this time. Also ensure that the PV series-
parallel configuration is as recommended by the inverter manufacturer. Refer to Appendix 3 for more
guidance. Ensure PV panels are clean for better generation.
V. Use a clamp meter to measure the PV current and PV Voltage. Check the PV parameters on the DC kWH meter
provided separately.
VI. Next step is synchronizing the inverter with the Grid/ Mains. Check the Grid supply for voltage and frequency. It
should be within the permissible range mentioned on the datasheet or specs. plate/rating sticker.
VII. Turn on the Grid circuit Breaker. Wait for 15 seconds.
VIII. Grid contactor will come up with a thud sound and grid will get synchronized to the inverter. Check the mimic
page of display unit to see the grid synchronized with inverter output.
IX. The machine is now connected to all the power sources and the loads connected are getting powered up. The
sequence of operation will depend on the mode selected. To know more about the modes of operation read
Section-7 of this manual.
X. It is recommended to keep all circuit breakers in ON position normally. The machine is intelligent enough to use
the power sources only if required.