Instruction Manual
moovviinngg tthhee EEnncclloossuurree ffrroom
m tthhee CCoom
: Do not disconnect the enclosure while the hard drive is active. This
can result in data loss and possible damage to the hard drive. To ensure that the
drive is not operating, please use the Safely Remove Hardware feature as
outlined below.
1. Click on the
Safe Remove
icon located in the taskbar, and select the connected
enclosure from the menu provided, then click
. From the menu that appears next
(pictured below), select the device to disconnect, and click
*Safe Remove
2. Once the connected hard drive activity has terminated, it is safe to power down and
remove the enclosure from the host computer, by disconnecting the USB cable from
the host computer.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee EEnncclloossuurree ttoo aa CCoom
2. Windows will detect that the drive has been connected, and automatically install the
necessary driver files. Please follow any prompts to complete the installation,
following which the newly connected drive will appear in
My Computer
1. Insert the Type ‘A’ connector provided by the included USB cable to the (powered)
host computer. Connect the remaining end to the enclosure: