<WeekNo> GPS Week Number
Week No and Time Of Week calculation from
UTC time
<chnlCount> Number of channels to use.1-12. If your CPU
throughput is not high enough, you could decrease
needed throughput by reducing the number of
active channels
<ResetCfg> bit mask
0×01=Data Valid warm/hotstarts=1
0×02=clear ephemeris warm start=1
0×04=clear memory. Cold start=1
Example: Start using known position and time.
C). Set DGPS Port ID:102 Set PORT B parameters for DGPS input
This command is used to control Serial Port B that is an input only serial port
used to receive
RTCM differential corrections. Differential
receivers may output corrections using different
communication parameters. The default
communication parameters for PORT B are 9600
Baud, 8data bits, 0 stop bits, and no parity. If a DGPS
receiver is used which has different communication parameters, use this command to
allow the receiver to correctly decode the data. When a valid message is received, the
parameters will be stored in battery backed SRAM and then the receiver will restart using
the saved parameters.