Handbook for the TRIUS PRO 694 Issue 19th April 2019
The TRIUS-PRO 694 mono CCD camera
The TRIUS-PRO 694 is an advanced, high resolution, cooled CCD camera, especially
designed for astronomical imaging. It uses a 6 megapixel third generation version of
the very popular Sony ‘EXview’ CCDs that offer very high QE and extremely low
thermal noise. This ‘PRO’ camera uses an updated version of the original TRIUS main
board and has both improved read noise and faster download time. It features an
internal USB hub with 3 external ports and a dry argon CCD chamber fill. The USB
hub permits several other devices to share the single USB connection and greatly
reduces the number of cables required in a typical set-up. For example, a Lodestar
X2, Ultrastar, or Superstar guide camera and an SX filter wheel could use two of the
USB ports and the third might connect to an electric focuser, or similar peripheral.
The argon fill, along with other improvements to the cooler stack, has improved the
delta T to about -42 degrees C below ambient.
The camera also includes a CCD temperature monitoring circuit that provides
regulated set-point cooling of the chip, an adjustable chip alignment plate and a very
compact overall size.