Handbook for the SXVF-H35 Issue 1 August 2007
2) Remove the two M3 screws from the camera back plate and ease the plate out of
the camera body. You may need to press down with a finger on the USB socket while
pulling up on the camera barrel to overcome the friction.
3) Withdraw the body cylinder and unscrew the two long spacer pillars from the heat
sink plate assembly.
4) The entire camera electronic assembly can now be lifted away from the camera
front barrel and the CCD will be readily accessible. Note that a layer of white heat-
sink compound is applied to the periphery of the heat sink disc and this should be left
undisturbed by subsequent operations.
5) You can now closely examine the CCD faceplate under the spotlight using the
watchmaker's glass when any dust motes will show clearly. If there is only an odd
particle or two and the CCD is otherwise clean, carefully brush away the dust with a
corner of your lens cloth. A smeared or very dusty CCD will need a few drops of
alcohol to clean thoroughly and you may have to make several attempts before the
surface is free of contamination. One gentle wipe from one end to the other, with no
return stroke, will be found to be the most effective action. DO NOT rub vigorously
and be VERY careful to avoid scratching the window.