Entry prevent-
ion tape
In case you experience an unidentifiable or unfamiliar noise, smell or
smoke, stop using the Robot Cleaner immediately and then call the
Customer service Center (Tel: 1566-3292).
- Fire or an electric shock could be caused.
Safety precautions
Take Precautions as
required when cleaning an
area or staircase with the
height of less than 5 cm,
thus having the risk of an
inadvertent fall.
- Make sure to apply the
entry prevention tape as
indicated before use.
Do NOT use the Robot
Cleaner on the floor with a
slope of over 10 degrees.
- Otherwise, the device
might not perform as
effectively as it should.
Manually re-locate the
Robot Cleaner in case it
gets stuck or trapped at the
threshold of a door or
veranda, etc.
Stop using the Robot
Cleaner if the brush is
found to have damaged
your carpet.
- Either long or thin carpet
threads could be damaged.
A scratches or damage
could be caused depending
on the
property or quality of a
specific wood floor.
- Refrain from using the
Robot Cleaner.
In case the Robot Cleaner
was left
unattended at a low
temperature (below -10 °C)
for a long time, let it stay at
a room
temperature / charged
for over 2 hours first and
then use.
- Otherwise, malfunction
could be caused.
Do NOT leave the Robot
Cleaner with power on
unattended on the desk or
- Otherwise, injury or
damage to the device could
be caused.
Do NOT let strong
external shock applied to
the Robot Cleaner. Do NOT
drop it either.
- Otherwise, injury or
damage to the device could
be caused.
Refrain from using the
Robot Cleaner in a
no-entry area.
- When unavoidable, make
sure to apply the entry
prevention tape first and
then use.
Refrain from using the
Robot Cleaner in an area
with the height of more than
5 cm, thus having the risk
of an inadvertent fall (e.g.
veranda, front door,
restroom, etc).
- Make sure to apply the
entry prevention tape as
indicated before use.