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Headphone Icon with X through it signifies faulty headphone jack to be replaced. The headphone icon
will come on and flash ON and OFF when the self diagnostic headphone circuit detects a faulty
headphone jack. This flashing indication will remain until it is reset. It may be reset by holding the
POWER button down for three seconds when powering up the console, or by completely removing
power from the console.
The system can be reset by holding the POWER button down for three seconds at power up. At the
end of the three seconds, the Headphone fault icon displays briefly, indicating that the ‘reset’ has
occurred. The fault condition can also be reset by completely removing power from the console.
To change the controller reception to Near/Far, make sure the controller off. Press and hold down the
VOLUME UP button, then press and release the POWER button. Continue holding the VOLUME UP
button for three seconds until ‘LO’ is displayed on the console. This configures the Controller for
“Near” reception. If this procedure is repeated, the display will indicate ‘HI’ and the Controller will be
configured for “Far” reception. The factory default setting is “Far”.