Star Micronics 4111 Applications Manual Download Page 89

Summary of Contents for 4111

Page 1: ...APPLICATIONS MANUAL 80821885 ...

Page 2: ...ration MultiMate Multimate International WordPerfect WordPerfect Corporation Ventura Publisher Xerox Corporation NOTICE All rights reserved Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without STAR s express permission is forbidden The contents of this manual are subject to cbange without notice Allefforts havebeenmadetoensure theaccuracyof thecontentsofthis manualatthetimeofpres...

Page 3: you need to get the most from your LaserPrinter 4111 Though this Applications Manual is really intended for intermediate to advanced computer users we ve tried to accommodate relative novices too The information is organized so you can walk through the general theory underlying printer programming before dancing into specific details It makessense therefore toread thefirstthreechaptersbeforej...

Page 4: ...ormostof us the Fonts chapter willbeuseful how to usethefontsbuilt into the LaserPrinter 4111 plus those that come on cartridges or computer disks You may look at chapters 4 and 5 which cover Star LaserPrinter 4111 commands Your LaserPrinter 4111 emufates imitates Hewlett Packard LaserJet 111 by accepting the same commands they do If you want to write or modify a program that uses the Hewlett Pack...

Page 5: ...that came with your printer A laser printer is a fairly complex tool that requires care and delicate handling So to use thisApplications Manual best make sure you understand that Operations Manual first Your OperationsMattualholds essential information about the LaserPrinter 4111 such as how to unpack and set up your laser printer connect the Star LaserPrinter 4111to your computer s serial or para...

Page 6: ...rinter 4111 Stores Fonts 30 3 3 Symbol Sets 33 3 4 Managing Fonts 34 4 Printer Control Language 4l 4 1 Printer Control Language 41 4 2 Controlling he printer 43 4 3 Page Orientation 46 4 4 Moving the Print Position 51 4 5 Controlling Fonts 61 4 6 Using Your Own Fonts 79 4 7 Raster Graphics 84 4 8 Pattern Graphics 87 4 9 Macros 93 5 Vector Graphics 97 5 1 GL 2 Commands and Syntax 97 5 2 controlling...

Page 7: ...6 Technical Supplement 129 6 1 CommandSummary 129 6 2 Symbol sets 134 Index 165 ...

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Page 9: ...Star LaserPrinter 4111produces pages that look close to typesetquality with up to 90 000 dots per square inch no more NLQ near letter quality compromises The Star LaserPrinter 4111produces four of those pages a minute These numbers translate to about five times more resolution and about three times more speed than the average dot matrix printer Star s new printer is remarkably versatile You can pr...

Page 10: ...calable fonts which can be printed from 3 points to 999 75 points in size a point is about 1 72of an inch These fonts are CG Times Font Univers Font Courier Font Li ne Printer Font Besides these you may be able to use optional cartridges and disks to give your Star LaserPrinter 4111 a variety of extra fonts such as these Prestige fonts Letter Gothic fonts H Gothic fonts Roman fonts Presentation fo...

Page 11: ...00001 might represent the letter A The serial interface accepts just one bit at a time from your computer A parallel interface can handle a whole byte at once by moving data bits side by side along separate wires You choose which interface method you want to use by selecting it on the operator panel as explained in your Sfar LaserPrinter 4111Operations Manual 1 1 4 The Star LaserPrinter 4111 is a ...

Page 12: ... Laser beam Scanningmirror ctor laserdiode Photosensitive drum As the laser scans it draws the page map stored in your printer s memory Wherever a light pulse strikes that tiny part of the drum drops to a neutral electricalcharge That spotthen attractsfinetonerpowder asthedrum rotates past the powder compartment As the drum rotates further it meets the paper The paper itself is negatively charged ...

Page 13: ...osition to itsright And we onlyneed two symbols O zero and 1 one to show the values thatmaybe in any position So in binary we get numbers that look like 1010or 10001100 The hexadecimal system is made of base sixteen numbers Hexadecimal is positionallikethe other counting systems And each higherposition isworth sixteen times as much as the position to its right We need sixteen different symbols to ...

Page 14: ...rom a program you ve written perhaps inBASZC a programming language that uses common English words Internally computers and printers use only the binary number system to representbothcommands and allthe alphabetic numeric and other keyboard symbols Nearly all of those machines use the same scheme to code those symbols theAmerican StandardsCodeforInformationInterchange ASCII An example in our famil...

Page 15: ...there for a quick look right now See how you can slice the table into clumps of 16 or 32 based on what s in the zone portion under the hexadecimal column These clumps make subgroups of similar symbols hex 00 to 1F are the command symbols called control codes hex 20 to 40 are the common keyboard symbols and numerals hex 41 to 60 are capital letters and the less common keyboard symbols hex 61 to 7F ...

Page 16: ...t page justas the PRINTI button does 1 2 4 Escape sequences Control code 27 ESC or Escape is a particularly important one for printers To tellyourprinter allthe thingsyou might need settingmargins saying where to print choosing a particular font starting graphics and so on requires many more than just two or three dozen control codes So the ESC control code has a special meaning ESC means the next...

Page 17: alter line spacing or move to a new print position Some programs such as WordPerjict and the systems from Lotus Develop ment Corporation letyou put printer Escape sequences before or rightinside the document you want to print To turn on boldface for example you might hold down special keys on your keyboard often Iabelled CONTROL or ALT asyoupress another key Or you might usea specialFunction ke...

Page 18: ... now to clarify what we re saying It s written in Microsoft BASIC for a computer that uses the MS DOS operating system so if you have a different computer or BASIC you may have to translate a bit The LPRINT commands all send data to the printer If the data is something youwant printed youjust put itinquotationmarks Ifthedataisacontrol code you just say where it is in the ASCII table giving its pos...

Page 19: ...ile print into it and then close the file when you re done This programming jargon sounds funny if you re not used to it but it works A few programming languages let you send commands to the printer a third way ApplesoftBASIC isone With it youcan switchbetween printer output and screen output 1 2 8 Printer emulations Your StarLaserPrinter4111respondstothesameescape sequencecommands that the Hewlet...

Page 20: ...MEMO 12 ...

Page 21: ...en the printer is warming up The DATA light comes on whenever the printer is holding data it hasn t printed yet When you press the ON LINE button the printer changes from normal to offline mode and cannot accept data from your computer When the printer is offline you can use the other panel buttons For instance if you press the TEST button for two seconds and release it just after STATUS SHEET is ...

Page 22: ... input buffer interface how the printer communicates with your computer A dejbult is the setting the Star LaserPrinter 4111will use if none is specifically selected by a program When you first turn on or later reset your printer these default settings will take effect Your main use for the control panel will likely be to set the default settings you want for these parameters However you will proba...

Page 23: ...rmal default settings The printer keeps them even when you turn off the power There are two settings Mode 1and Mode 2 The Mode 1isthe normal default seton power up or hard reset You can select either Mode 1or Mode 2 by using PROGRAM button in normal offline mode When you turn on the printer these user default settings get copied into the initial and current parameter settings You probably will not...

Page 24: ...n of the parameters into another version One moves the current parameter values into user default parameters The final menu option goes the other way letting you load the factory parameter settings as your current settings 2 2 CONTROLLING THE PRINTER Inthissectionyou llmeettwoseparatecontrolsoverhowtheStarLaserPrinter 4111itself works The INTERFACE parameter controls communications between the pri...

Page 25: ...k any of the following data transfer rates 300 baud 600 baud 1200 baud 2400 baud 4800 baud 9600 baud the default 19200 baud 38400 baud Roughly one character a second works outto 11baud If you renot surehow fast your computer will transmit the general rule is to experiment Try sending a page to print at the highest speed and work your way down until the printer s output looks OK Serial interface sp...

Page 26: ...o have data held back when its memory is nearly full or when it senses an ERROR condition DTR Data Terminal Ready protocol does the same thing slightly differ ently The printer sends a continuous high voltage signal over the cable as long as it can accept data but drops the voltage to say whoa to the computer Look in your computer s operations manual in the section dealing with communications prot...

Page 27: ... DUMP setting and select it Some control or Escape codes can be problems on a few computers those computers change certain codes when sending them to the printer If you think you have this problem you need to see exactly what your printer is receiving We recommend you run a short program that loops through and prints the ASCII table Print in hexadecimal rather than the usual ASCII symbols If you s...

Page 28: ... you have to tear off the pinfeed hole strips and then separate the pages With the Star LaserPrinter 4111you can print on a variety of ordinary cut sheet pages For the Feeder value of this PAPER FEED parameter you first enter either multi purpose tray manual feed or cassette option to indicate where you want paper fed from The multi purposetray handles various types and sizes of paper Letter Legal...

Page 29: may not print as sharply as you d like Avoid shiny coated paper or multipart forms And don t even think about putting in stapled or ripped pages If you frequently change paper weights you will probably get skewing problems lines thal print at an angle because of misfeeding For best results when your Star LaserPrinter 4111is first set up have the paper feeder squared for paper of at least60grams...

Page 30: ...r s adjustment for paper thickness out of adjustment Ifyou wanttoprinttransparenciesfor youroverhead projector somefilms will actually melt in your laser printer Stick to 3M s medium weight transparency film type 501 or to Hewlett Packard s 92285J 2 3 3 The LAYOUTparameter The layoutorformat or setup of a page refers to how text ispositioned on the page Layout includes page orientation margins and...

Page 31: ...nd spreadsheets or reports with so many columns they wouldn t otherwise fit on the page All internal fonts and almost all cartridge and downloaded fonts are stored in the Star LaserPrinter 4111 with portrait orientation Margins columns and lines You can change margin settingsfor allfouredges of a page The leftand right side margins can have values from Oto 132 defining the margin columns between w...

Page 32: ...oving the paper itself Laser printers don t have printheads but the principle remains the same you have to say exactly where on the page each pictureand stringof text isto go soeach page can be constructed in the printer s memory Instead of talking about printheads we talk about moving the printposifion some people call it moving the cursor using the computer screen anal ogy Horizontally you can m...

Page 33: ...nes font attributes and setup values if any for the Star LaserPrinter 4111 A font attributes or characteristics determine what that font will look like when it is printed The next chapter Fonts explores the details of all font attributesinmore detail But let shave aquick overviewnow because you ll meet these terms on the control panel program menu Font attributes a preview Orientation portrait or ...

Page 34: ... your printer a corresponding Escape sequence com mand Those Escape sequencecommands willoverrideany settingyoumake from the control panel The main thing to realize about most printer commands though is that you probably don t need to use them Nearly all popular software packages include printer drivers which send commands to the printer so you don t have to type them yourself Some of those progra...

Page 35: ...oice for all your documents Several variables can characterize typefaces including weight light me dium bold width condensed or extended and style upright or italic Courier for example isatypeface family that includesthecharacters in both Courier mediurnitalic and Courier bold upright Let s consider these variables Bold print is sometimes called emphasized or double strike On earlier printersboldf...

Page 36: and style are a few ont attributes sometimes called font charac teristics Let s consider three more attributes font height spacing and pitch 3 1 2 Font height The baseline is the invisible line upon which characters of type sit Since the first letter blocks were made of lead alloy thedistance from one baseline to the next iscalled leading pronounced ledding Type itself ismeasured from the top o...

Page 37: ... most text Elite characters are 10points high and print 12characters per inch Andpica characters are 12points high and pitched at 10characters to the inch You ll often run across these monospaced font sizes in the laser printing world ideally each character in a word should nestle against its neighbors so they appear evenly spaced But adjacent round characters are apt to look too far apart while f...

Page 38: ... a good deal of printer memory to hold all the fonts you might want at any given moment Star LaserPrinter 4111fonts can be grouped into three categories internal cartridge and downloadable fonts 3 2 2 Internal fonts The Star LaserPrinter 4111 has seven built in interml fonts that reside per manently in its read only memory ROM That s why these are sometimes called resident fonts Courier 10pitch Co...

Page 39: ...artridges Your Star LaserPrinter 4111 has a slot for one font cartridge A cartridge may hold anywhere from half a dozen to two dozen fonts all differing from the internal fonts in size style stroke weight or symbol set You ll find that cartridge fonts open up a wider range of typefaces too such as Roman Prestige H Gothic and L Gothic Generally cartridge and internal font typefaces are suitable for...

Page 40: ... change fonts in mid line to emphasize a word ortwo whenever you want Youcan mix internal cartridge and downloaded fonts in the same document 3 2 4 Hints Where to get fonts You can print any downloadable font that works on the HP LaserJet HI Several other companies sell downloadable fonts which are compatible with your Star LaserPrinter 4111 The Bitstream Corporation in Boston is one of the more p...

Page 41: ...nderline is to use the underline command instead of backspacing and overprinting with the separate underline charac ter Ifyou do the latter with proportionally spaced text you ll usuallyfind the underlining is too long for the text 3 3 1 What are symbol sets Keyboards differ from country to country The British need their f symbol the French need their g and 5 the Spanish need their and fietc Scien...

Page 42: ... original font 3 4 MANAGING FONTS You can see which fonts are currently selected on your StarLaserPrinter 4111 by printing a status sheet in offline mode as mentioned at the beginning of this chapter Another TEST mode menu item described in the Srar La erPrinter4111 Operations Munuul also lets you print out a list of all the fonts available on the printer at any given moment 3 4 1 Selecting fonts ...

Page 43: ...nd letters Other systems suchasXerox VenturaPublisher aredocument oriented That makes them better suited to technical manuals and long proposals or reports that go through many drafts Other ways in which such systems differ include whether they show on your screen what you will get on paper code based programs don t how well theyhandlepictures and howhard they areto learn Think aboutyour needs bef...

Page 44: ...4 Using cartridge fonts To gain access to a font on a cartridge 1 Slide the cartridge you want into the slot on the front of the printer 2 Use either the control panel menu or a command from your computer to select the font you want Note Donotinsertorpull cartridges outofthe printerwhiletheDATA lamp is ON An interesting note about default cartridge fonts Say you have selected on the control panel ...

Page 45: ...f examples 3 4 6 Downloading a font example one Example one is for a computer running just MS DOS Say you ve bought Hewlett Packard s Century Schoolbook fonts and want to download the regular upright italics and boldface characters The HP disk labels for each file are CN 100RPN R8P CN 100IPN R8P and CN1OOBPN R8P In case you re interested that s HP s code for CeNtury 100decipoints Regular or Italic...

Page 46: ...terisk a wildcard character indicates that PCLPFM is to create a data file for all three fonts regular italics and bold The program asks if you want to create a file called APPNDWIN INI to append intothe Wiruhws font menu file type Y for yes After PCLPFM has made the font data file with your word processor open the Window sfile called WIN INI and key in the font defaults you want to apply At the s...

Page 47: ...a multi user system Some page makeup programs automatically download each font as needed then flush that font from printer memory to make room for the next font This approach can make good sense if you re sharing your printer with other people in a computer network It keeps the printer s RAM from becoming overloaded However the downloading time can significantly slow down your printer s throughput...

Page 48: ...ailable font to that requested As a general rule you can include at least a dozen downloadable fonts in adocument Added to the internalfonts that shouldbeplenty itdoesn t make good design to mix many typefaces A telltale sign of amateurish laser printing is too many fonts in one document To keep a wide variety of extra fonts in memory however many Star LaserPrinter 4111 users especially those shar...

Page 49: ...r At the end of the chapter we describe how to create and use your own fonts and also how to save time by writing command macros 4 1 PRINTER CONTROL LANGUAGE 4 1 1 What do Printer Control Language look like The Star LaserPrinter 4111 includes a dozen common control codes such as CR for carriage returns and single character Escape sequences such as ESC E for resetting the printer Butall the other c...

Page 50: ...h its program interprets as the column number 4 1 2 Combining Escape sequences Later in this chapter we describe one way to select a font byjust specifying what font attributes you want such as bold or proportional spacing If you select a font by specifying every one of its attributes you can be certain that you re selecting successfully But itcould mean a fair bitof repetitivetyping each time you...

Page 51: ...hat the z is lowercase this is the only PCL command that ends with a small letter After you send a Self Test command the printer finishes printing any pages left in its memory Then on a new page it prints itscurrent parameters just important items such as number of copies and fonts in use The printer finishes off the page with a continuous display of all the characters in its default font The prin...

Page 52: ... cassette option ESC n H For n enter one of the numbers from this table n FEED SELECTED O zero the printer only ejects the current page 1 one theprinter takes itsnextpage from themulti purpose tray 2 the printer takes a regular page manually 3 the printer accepts an envelope you feed in manually 4 the printer takes itsnext page from the paper cassette Should an unprinted page be in the printer s m...

Page 53: ...Let s see what happens when we put these commands together Say you have just turned on your laser printer What happens when you send the following commands to your printer ESC Z ESC E ESC 2h 2X As a BASIC program these would look like this NEW 10 WIDTH LPT1 255 20 LPRINT CHR 27 Z 30 LPRINT CHR 27 E 40 LPRINT CHR 27 12h 2X RUN First if it is working properly the printer prints a test print with all...

Page 54: size You should always change the page length be e you send text for printing The Page Length command sets the number of lines that can print on a page lines per inch times the number of inches The Page Length command format is ESC n P where n isthe number of text lineson the page itcan be any number between 5 and 128 The default number of lines is the length of the paper tray times 6 lines p...

Page 55: ...ter will go offline and display a message asking for the proper tray After you change the tray press the ON LINE button to restart the printer It doesn t hurt to print short pages on long paper If you inadvertently print a legal sizepage onto executive or letter size paper the printer will scroll that page across two sheets If you have set the paper feeder from the control panel to AUTO SELEC TION...

Page 56: ...oth left and right margirisback to the printer s printable limits in other words to clear the side margins send this command ESC 9 4 3 3 Top margin Vertically the LaserPrinter 4111confines its printing to its text length which shouldalways be lessthan itspage length Both are measured in lines You can change the meaning of a line with line spacing commands described later in this chapter When you s...

Page 57: ...d Text Length commands therefore work together to set the bottom margin bottom margin page length top margin text length The bottom margin is called the perforation region with printers that use continuous forms You normally want to skip the perforations between the continuous pages but sometimes you don t for example when you print labels Though you likely won t often want to do it the Star Laser...

Page 58: ...column 10 column 70 topmargin 8lines textlength 100 lines bottommargin 4 lines I page length 1 occasional footnotes 12 lines As it prints we also want to permit the occasional one line footnote below the normal bottom margin And when we re finished printing let s reset the side margins so we can switch to our usual font width Here are the commands that will produce this format for us ESC tl 12P ES...

Page 59: ...8or 1 120inch line or column definitions 1 300 inch dots 1 720 inch tenths of a point All these commands are described below One hint about moving the print position you can confuse yourself trying to use more than two different units during the same session So decide beforehand how precise you need to be in moving the print position not forgetting any graphics you want to include Then stick to th...

Page 60: ... an example The space width comes in units of l 120th of an inch and theCourier fontcan print 10characters per inch Each character covers a tenth 12 120ths of an inch so that font s default space width is 12 units If we change its space width to 6 each character would half overlap the one before it If you are using S1 and SO to shift between a primary and secondary font it s a good idea to change ...

Page 61: ...d decipoints can be fractions to two decimal places suchas45 75 decipoints which providesagreatdegree ofaccuracy for graphics applications Moreover for each of these you can move the print position horizontally in two ways You can move ah wlurely from the left edge of the page Or you can move relatively away from the current printposition To show you want to move away from the current print positi...

Page 62: ...current position You can move the print positionhorizontally by dotsboth ways too You can move a number of dots away from the left edge of the page or you can move a number of dots away from the current print position To move horizontally this way send the command ESC p n X in which for n you put either the number of dots away from the page edge or preceded by a or sign the relative number of dots...

Page 63: ...s or minus sign before the number of units you want to move The important difference about moving vertically up or down is what the printer does when the print position hits the page top or bottom If you try to move above the top margin the print position stays right at the margin And if you move the print position down off the page the page is ejected and printing continues on the next page 4 4 9...

Page 64: ...ts send the command ESC p n Y in which for n you put either the absolutenumber of dots down or preceded by a or sign the relative number of dots up or down from the current position So to move 20 dots down you send the command ESC p 20Y And to move 20 dots up you send ESC p 20Y 4 4 10 Combining move commands One thing about moving the print position with the above commands is that they let you thi...

Page 65: ...tter b with a slash through it an old programming symbol Just send the b and then follow it with BS and the slash and you get this 4 4 12 Carriage return The Carriage Return command by itself only moves the print position back to the left margin of the line on which it currently sits CR If you want the print position to move down a line as well send a separate Line Feed command each time or use De...

Page 66: ... this command to make sure any last partial page in your printer s memory gets printed FF 4 4 15 Define automatic line endings When youpresstheCarriage Return key what do youexpect tohappen Most people think a computer keyboard should work like a typewriter with a Can iage Return starting a new line as well But computer programs don t have to stick to that analogy Some programs particularly graphi...

Page 67: ... having to worry about words going past the right margin We don t have to listenfor that typewriter bell at the margin any more This command does pretty much the same thing your word processing program does The importantdifference isthat itdoesnot wrap words When you turn on Autowrap if you send too many characters for a line the laser printer prints the overflow on the next line If Autowrap is on...

Page 68: ... what you re printing now to stick something special onto the page This is most handy when you need to jump from text to graphics and back Say you ve written one routine that puts the page number in the same place on every page and another that undercertain circumstances printstwo heavy lines You print merrily along untilyou have to print the lines You then push the current print position to execu...

Page 69: ...g time by shifting back and forth between primary and secondary fonts That s coun terbalanced though by the fact that you often need more than two fonts Typically you use primary and secondary fonts to flip back and forth between two different symbol sets for example IBM symbol sets 1and 2 You can designate any two fonts whether internal cartridge or downloaded as primary and secondary The way you...

Page 70: font ID numbers The second way to define and select fonts is by using font ID numbers You may prefer this method if you frequently use many fonts While not as short as S1 and SO it s quicker than describing font attributes over and over again To give an ID number to an internal or cartridge font you first make it the primary font That is you send a left parenthesis Escape sequence a font attri...

Page 71: ...ift between primary and secondary fonts You wantto selectadownloaded font ID as your secondary font This is the command to send ESC rIX 4 5 5 Font attributes The third way to select a font is to simply describe what font attributes you want Remember selecting a fontdoes notmodify a font You can t getbold or 14 pointcharacters ifyou don thave a bold or 14 pointfont inthe printer In listing the attr...

Page 72: ...nt you don t have to specify that attribute again Orientation Portrait orientation prints text across the width of a page Landscape orientation prints text sideways up the length of a page The Star LaserPrinter 4111 is more flexible about orientation than most other laser printers it lets you simply rotate any portrait font to the landscape orientation or vice versa To start you off when you chang...

Page 73: ... setisRoman 8 which includes all ASCII characters plus dozens of accented letters But you can use any of the sets shown below Technically you can pair any symbol set with any internal cartridge or downloaded font however it doesn t make much sense to print text with a math or line drawing symbol set The Star LaserPrinter4111provides two different symbol setcommands You put a code into one command ...

Page 74: ...omanExtension ISO25 French HPGerman 1S0 15 Italian 1S0 14 JIS ASCII ECMA 94 OCR A Math 8Asymbols ISO 11 Swedish 1S06 USASCII BarCode39 1S061 Norwegian 1S04 UK 1S069 French 1S021 German OCR B Math 8Bsymbols HPSpanish Legal 1S057 Chinese Pi font Asymbols 1S0 17 Spanish 1S0 2 IRV OCR BExtension 1S0 10 Swedish 1S0 16 Portuguese PS Math ISO84 Portuguese MicrosoftPublishing VenturaMath 1S0 85 Spanish De...

Page 75: ...d symbol set which are Courier with Roman 8 unless you ve changed their initial parameter values through the control panel menu The following command lets you select one of those symbol sets for your primary font ESC n For n enter one of the following selection values for your primary font n VALUE SELECTION O zero or 1 one Selects the default symbol set 2 Selects the current font s symbol set this...

Page 76: the Line Printer typeface but want to use the German symbol set as you are writing a report for your Berlin office and need umlaut characters for several names in the report Then in the report you decide to use a proprietary product name so want to nip out to grab the symbol on a legal cartridge font you ve already loaded then return to your German set When your report s all done you want to r...

Page 77: ...the pitch request To define spacingfor your secondary font usethe samenumbers andjust flip the parenthesis ESC S n P Pitch Pitch defines how many characters per inch you want for a monospaced pitch font Your Star LaserPrinter 4111 sinternal monospaced pitch fonts have settingsof 10 12or 16 66characters per inch Cartridge or downloaded fonts with monospaced pitches often have other settings for cha...

Page 78: ... fonts in6 7 8 5 10 12 14 16 18 24and 36point sizes If the font height you specifically ask for is not available the printer will select the font with the size closest to your request To select font height for the primary font use the following command For n enter the font height in points that you want ESC S n V To select font height for the secondary font send this command ESC S n V Style Style ...

Page 79: ...old You need the negative sign to get the lighter weights A weight of O zero produces medium print To selectthe strokeweightfor the secondary font usethe samenumbers with this command ESC S n B An incidental note You will likely use optional fonts to give you boldface so probably don t need to know this But it s possible to print bold without even having a bold font in the printer Youjust print th...

Page 80: To assign the particular face you want for your primary font send this command ESC S n T For n enter one of the font code numbers from this table TYPEFACE Line printer Pica Elite Courier H Gothic Roman L Gothic Script Prestige Caslon Orator Presentation Line Draw PC Line OCR Bar Code n O zero 1 one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 To assign a character face to the secondary font just flip the ...

Page 81: ...nd a height ofjust seven points footnotes should look smaller than our regular text To keep it readable we opt for the ordinary upright style and medium weight in the Line Printertypeface Our sequenceofindividualcommandswould look like this ESC S OP ESC S 16 66H ESC S 8 5V ESC S OS ESC S OB ESC S OT Since these font attributes all start with the same s command category prefix let put them all toge...

Page 82: ...r 3 to get floating underline And send this command to turn off the underline mode ESC d 4 5 7 How to print Escape sequences and control codes You use both Escape sequences and control codes to print So how do you print Escape sequences and control codes But you actually can print commands and in two different ways You would do this when you want to see everything exactly as it is sent to the prin...

Page 83: ... send this command at the end of the displayed print data ESC Z That Escape Z sequence itself prints as a blank followed by a Z 4 5 8 Font control The Font Control command has two main functions defining a font s status and deleting fonts You can make a font either permanent or temporary with the Font Control command This helpsyoucontrol which fonts you delete as permanentfonts do not get deleted ...

Page 84: ...t in memory That copy is already there for downloaded fonts But you will need function 6 to create a temporary copy of an internal or cartridge font Here s how to assign ID numbers to an internal or cartridge font You first select the font then send the Font ID command to give it an ID number and finally copy the font into memory with Font Control function 6 If you want thatcopy to stay in RAM whe...

Page 85: ...for test print of ASCII 128 130 130 LPRINT CHR 27 d 140 LPRINT CHR 27 p3x 150 LPRINT CHR 128 CHR 129 CHR 130 160 LPRINT CHR 12 170 LPRINT CHR 27 C5fl F Line 100isjust the ESC E reset command Lines 110and 130turn on and off the underline feature Line 140 turns on transparent printing which forces printing even for normally unprintable control codes The three bytes you want to print are in line 150 ...

Page 86: ...PRINT CHR 27 c3D 240 LPRINT CHR 27 c6F 250 LPRINT CHR 27 lX 260 LPRINT Font 1 Resident Courier 270 LPRINT CHR 27 2X 280 LPRINT Font 2 Resident Line Printer 290 LPRINT CHR 27 3X 300 LPRINT Font 3 Cartridge PC Courier 310 LPRINT CHR 27 lX 320 LPRINT CHR 12 Line 100and llOcallstheintemal Courier font and line 120makes itthe primary font Line 130 gives it font ID number I and line 140 makes it tempora...

Page 87: ...ere youbought your LaserPrinter 4111 to see if you can get one of the font creating or font editing utilityprograms now on themarket FonrGenIV isone Keep an eye out too for new word processing tools that might save you the trouble of painstakingly figuring out details like kerning Even with aids like these building a custom font is an intricate process It calls for the creation of a family of up t...

Page 88: ...yallocated to another font If itis thatexistingfont willbe deleted with the next command 2 Downloading a headerfor yourfont Even if the printer doesn t have enough memory to create your font it will delete any existing font with the same ID number when you download the header for your font A font s header is the list of its attributes which your printer uses to select that font Each font header 26...

Page 89: ...der is a number which you send as whatever symbol happensto be storedatthatnumeric positionintheASCII table Coding some of these numbers is tricky however and we recommend you ask your Star Micronics dealer to help you build your font header To get you started the table below shows what each of those bytes means BYTE o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 MEANING header l...

Page 90: ... make up the character g D e c y f The next step is to describe each of your characters mapping where you want each dot to go Send this command before each character ESC S n W For Hyou enter the number of bytes you ll be sending after this command to describe and map your character Sixteen bytes are needed for the description the bit map takes as many bytes as you ve put into each character cell p...

Page 91: ...the character starting at the top left of its cell You work your way across the cell and down to the bottom right giving each dot a value of Oif it s not to be printed and 1if it is Then you group those dots as 8 bit bytes P t The last step in downloading your own font is to make the font permanent or temporary using the Font Control command described earlier The com mand ESC c 4 F will allow the ...

Page 92: ... set This is achieved using the following command ESC t 77R If the value of n is greater than 150 the resolution of the final graphics image will be 300 dots per inch dpi if n is from 101to 150 the resolution will be 150dpi ifn is from 76 to 100 the resolution will be 100dpi and if n is 75 or less the resolution will be 75 dpi The default resolution is 75 dots per inch After graphics have started ...

Page 93: ...ique is outside the scope of this manual but a brief explanation of this command should be useful Where n O no encoding takes place and a simple binary transfer takes place Bit 7 of the first bytecorresponds to the first dot in a raster row bit 6 to the second and so on Where n 1 run length encoding takes place This is a compression technique where the data is divided into pairs the first byte of ...

Page 94: ...There are no parameters The LaserPrinter 4111 is now in text mode A pro grainminghint move your print position in dot increments whenever you re dealing with graphics It s easier than trying to calculate column widths or decipoints The Raster Height command specifies the height in pixels of the next raster graphic between the start graphics and stop graphics commands ESC r n T The value of n must ...

Page 95: negative The Raster Y Offset command advances the vertical position and is ignored when not in the raster mode ESC b n Y If n is negative or if the new position would exceed the current raster height or the page limit it is ignored P G The Star LaserPrinter4111alsoprintspa rerngraphic which printslinesand patterned blocks Print shops call lines of any thickness rules A printed line in fact is a...

Page 96: ...ver cut off your pattern or rule at the boundaries of the page s printable area When the printer finishes its print map of your rule or pattern the print position automatically returns to the spot from which you started That means for instance that you can make a lightly shaded rectangle and then start printing text right over it This kind of box can be useful for setting off particular informatio...

Page 97: ...attern ora predefine linearpattern And withtheSpecify Pattern command you can indicate which particular dotted or linear pattern you want You always send the Specify Pattern command before the Print Pattern command even if you want a solid black rule To indicate the particular pattern you want send the following command The general meaning of then value you enter actually depends on the com mand y...

Page 98: ...11 20 0 0 m 36 55 0 0 81 99 0 0 1 f you want a linear pattern for Hyou enter here a pattern number between 56 80 0 0 I and 6 inclusive identifying one of the linear patterns below 3 4 5 6 90 ...

Page 99: ...ern O zero solid black 1 solid opaque white 2 shaded fill as selected with ESC c n G 3 cross hatched fill as selected with ESC cn G 5 current pattern fill as selected with ESC vn T If n 5 has been selected you will need the following command ESC n T This command selectsthe current pattern type to be appliedto source images not rectangular areas before printing 17 Value Pattern O zero Solid black 1...

Page 100: selectsthe pattern transparency mode similarly to the above command whether the current pattern should be treated as transparent or opaque Set n to Ofor the transparent mode and to 1for the opaque mode 4 E P g To specify a block five inches wide you could use a horizontal dimension of 1500dots 5 inches times 300 dots That command would look like this ESC C 1500A To print that area with a 25 per...

Page 101: ...nal RAM expansion To Imanageprinter memory you can make a macro either temporary it disappears when youreset theprinter or permanent itdisappears only when you turn off the printer You assign each macro an ID number when you first define it Use this Specify Macro ID command to specify in place of n the ID number of the macro to which you wish to refer ESC f HY Por example say you want to delete a ...

Page 102: ... But before it runs the macro it saves the current parameters and then restores them when the macro is finished Again when the macro is done the print position will be just where it was before you ran the macro Turn on automatic macro This option automatically runs the last specified macro on every page you print You can use this option to reproduce the same design on each page a logo or form desi...

Page 103: ...P R I N T C H R 2 p 4 Oxl 200Y 140 L P R I N T C H R 2 C 180h7200V 1 5 0 L P R I N T C H R 2 C 2 5 1 6 0 L P R I N T C H R 2 c 2 1 1 0 L P R I N T CHR 12 1 8 0 L P R I N T C H R 27 f 1X 1 9 0 L P R I N T C H R 2 f 2 2 0 0 E N D Line 100 clears any existing macros then line I I spccif icsthat this will be macro ID number 1 Line 120starts downloading the macro Line 130movestheprintpositionto a spot4...

Page 104: ...96 ...

Page 105: ...o remind you of the command s function The mnemonic cab be uppercase or lowercase Parameter s Some commands have no parameters for those com mands having them parameters can be either required or optional Optional parameters are enclosed in brackets Separator s When you use parameters you must separate them with acomma or space or inthe case of a numeric parameter with a or sign Commas are recomme...

Page 106: ...3 741 824 to 1 073 74 1 823 You are assured of at least 6 significant digits including integer and fractional portion You may omit the decimal point when no decimal fraction is specified If you do not specify a sign the parameter is assumed to be positive Using a number outside this range causes the command to be ignored Clamped real A number where the integer portion is from 32 768 to 32 767 you ...

Page 107: ...following escape sequence is used to enter the GL 2 mode ESC n B If n is Oor an even number the cursor is set to its previous position when using GL 2 Ifn is 1or an odd number thecursor stays in itscurrent position When n is Oand the printer is entering GL 2 for the first time the default cursor position is P1 the lower left corner This command sets the cursor and causes subsequentGL 2 commands to...

Page 108: ...ove the cursor to P1 If n in either of these commands is zero the picture frame is set to its default size 5 P f a p This command sets the location of the Picture Frame anchor point the position of the upper left corner of the picture frame ESC C 77T When i7is set to 0 the picture frame anchor point is set to the current point When it is other than O the anchor point is set to the upper left corne...

Page 109: ...f the GL 2 plot in inches ESC C H L in which n is the vertical size of the GL 2 plot in inches These commands fittheGL 2 plotintothepictureframe establishingscaling factors using the formula plot size picture frame size divided by 720 If iin either of these is zero the default values the size of the picture frame are used 1 ...

Page 110: ...ocations of P1 and P2 unlike the IN com mand When using DF at the beginning of a program graphics parameters such as character size slant or scaling are not inherited from another program I c IN This command resets the parameters to their default values It also sets the current position to the origin of the coordinate system the lower left corner of the picture frame I c 1P PLY Ply P2x P2y This co...

Page 111: ...r wr This command sets the position and size of the soft clip window and determines theeffective clip window asthe intersectionof theprintablearea the logical page the picture frame and the soft clip window The meanings of parameters are X11 x coordinate of lower left corner of soft clip window y l y coordinate of lower left comer of soft clip window Kur x coordinate of upper right corner of soft ...

Page 112: ...left 180 Origin at upper right corner x axis horizontally to the left y axis vertically c 270 Origin at upper left corner x axis vertically down y axis horizontally to the right The user coordinate system is not affected by this command Thiscommand does notchange thecurrentpen location only itscoordinates The coordinates of P1 and P2 are not changed so P2 will be outside the picture frame when cmg...

Page 113: ...q1 yq1and xq2 yq2 then xql xq2 xmin xmax yql yq2 ymin ymax if the two rectangles do not coincide if abs xql xq2 abs xp 1 xp2 then yql yp 1 bottorn 100 abs yq 1 yq2 and left is disregarded if abs yq I yq2 abs ypl yp2 then xq 1 xpl left 100 Yabs xq1 xq2 and bottom is disregarded If type parameter is2 SC defines point factorscaling the second form of the cdmmand is used Igfiand bottom are notused xmi...

Page 114: ...rd from 5 to 180 This command draws an arc using absolute coordinates from the current pen position as specified After drawing the arc the current pen position isat the end of the arc r c AR d w d c an qle chord atl yle where d m indicates the x coordinate of center of arc relative to the current location dvc is the y coordinate of center of arc relative to the current location angle is the angula...

Page 115: ...e radius with its center at the current location P a c PA xl yl x2 y2 X l J F1 This command establishes absolute plotting and moves the pen to the specified absolute coordinates from the current pen position There is no limit to the number of arguments that can be specified If this command is given with no arguments it establishes that the coordinates in subsequentcommands are absolute Ifthere are...

Page 116: ...d as base 64 or 32 3D or BD Start PA coordinates 37 or B7 7 Start base 32 encoding Pen number specifies the pen to be used Oor I see SP Number of fraction bits from 26 to 26 When there are no parameters this command updates the carriage return point When there are parameters it draws lines by sending a shorter string of data than other commands since all parameters other than flags are encoded In ...

Page 117: ...e drawn If there is no argument this is the only effect of the command The coordinates are interpreted as absolute ifthecommand was notpreceded by a PR command otherwise the coordinates are treated as relative R t p c RT d ri i i d w d e llordangle Same as AT except that the coordinates are relative 109 ...

Page 118: ... use it to draw EA ER EW RA RR WG The following commands usethepolygonbuffer when inthe polygon mode AA AR AT CI PA PD PE PR PU RT Other commands if given in the polygon mode are ignored If the polygon buffer overflows while executing a drawing or edging command EPis executed If the polygon buffer overflows while executing a filling command FP is executed Points that cannot fit in the buffer are i...

Page 119: ...e from the reference axis A wedge whose sweep angle is 360 degrees or greater is drawn as a circle with no line connected to the center If the sweep angle is zero it is a single straight line from the center to the starting point This command clears then draws to the polygon buffer F p c FP This command uses the even odd rule to fill the polygon currently in the polygonbuffer The filltype istheone...

Page 120: ...1butbefore a PM2 orthe nextPM1 are stored as one subpolygon Mode 2 closes cument polygon orsubpolygon and exits polygon mode F r a c RA I Thiscommand fillsthe rectangle defined by current cursor positionand x usingthecurrent fill The pen up downstatusisnotaffected by thiscommand and the rectangle is drawn regardless of the pen status This command clears the polygon buffer then uses the buffer to d...

Page 121: ...The Iine spacing isgi en incurrent unitsundismeasured along the x axis A zero value gives a solid fill and a negtitivc value invalidates the command The default value is I of t clist ncePI to P2 If hecurrent unitsareplotterunits turningscalingonor moving P1and P2 hasnoeffect on the spacing If user units are used the spacing varies as PI and P2 are moved turning scaling off fi xesthe spacing in the...

Page 122: ...he relation between and meaning of the parameters are given in the followin table ki zd 1 line end 2 linejoin 3 miter limit alue 1 butt default square 3 triangular 4 round 1 mitered default 2 mitered beveled 3 triangular 4 round 5 beveled 6 none 1to 32 767 default 5 For a line end other than a butt end add 1 2line width to the length If the miter in a mitered linejoin exceeds the miter limit itist...

Page 123: ...10 8 50100101010010 If the pattern code is negative from 8 to 1 the pattern corresponds to the absolute value of the code but the pattern is adaptive and its length is adjusted up or down to fit one or more complete patterns After a solid line has been selected by specifying LT without parameters pattern code 99 restores the previous line pattern and any residual pattern LT99 isignoredwhen anon so...

Page 124: used as area fill and for screened vectors lines Without parameters this command resets all fill patterns to sold fill With only one parameter it resets the indicated pattern to solid fill With allparameters specified itdefines a raster image consisting of height rows each containing width dots S m c SM c This command designates the Charactel to be used as a marker or symbol Symbols are used on...

Page 125: ...pes 3 and 4 arcs circles and edges of polygons rectangles and wedges This command does not affect solid fill types labels stroked characters or edges of characters There are three types of screen fill shaded fill user defined raster fill and predefine cross hatch patterns The meanings of and relation between parameters are as given in the following table Type Meaning o no screening I shaded user d...

Page 126: ...and corresponding to the standard ESC v n O U l t c UL index gapl gap20 Thiscommand creates linetypesby specifyinggap patterns whichdefinethe length of spaces and lines comprising a line type The index parameter is a clamped integer which can be range 1through 8 If the index is negative its absolute value is used A maximum of 20 gaps are allowed for each user defined line type Gap values must be n...

Page 127: ... cell A f d c AD kind alue kind value This command defines an alternate GL 2 font and its characteristics font spacing pitch height style stroke weight and typeface It allows the font characteristicsto be assignedto thesecondary alternate fontdefinition Use this command to set up an alternate font that you can easily access when labeling The kind parameter specifies the characteristic for which yo...

Page 128: ...the edge pen Specifies filled characters using the current fill type refer to the FT command The currently selected pen is used Characters are not edged If the edge pen parameter is specified it is ignored Specifies filled characters using the current fill type refer to the FT command The currently selected pen is used Characters are edged with the specified pen or current pen if the edge pen para...

Page 129: ...inator of strings in subsequent LB commands The modeparameter indicateswhatto dowithlabelterminator besidesusing it as a terminator When the mode is O the label terminator prints if it is a printable character arid performs its function if it is a control code When the mode is 1 the label terminator does not print if it is a printing character and does not perform its function if it is a control c...

Page 130: ...line is O the normal line feed function with respect to text path direction is selected The line is 1 the reverse line feed function with respect to text path direction is selected Extra space command ES t idth height This command allows the character and line spacing to be changed The values are added to or subtracted from the font parameters This remains in effect until the next ES command or th...

Page 131: ...tion etc it is necessary to store the label temporarily The Star LaserPrinter 4111has a buffer capable of storing the longest possible label see LB above Select alternatefont command SA This command selects the font currently designated as alternate This command has the same effect as a shift out SO in the string of an LB command except that the shift remains until the SS command is received Selec...

Page 132: ...ifies the size of labeling characters in centimeters The default width and height depend on the pitch and size selected with the AD or SD command Once this command is given the width and height of characters do not change when PI and P2 move Without parameters this command selects the size implied by AD or SD Width specifiesthewidth ofcharacters negative valuesimply mirror images about a vertical ...

Page 133: ...rcentage of the distance between P1 and P2 Select standardfont command Ss This command selects the font currently designated as standard It has the same effect as the shift in S1 is the string of a label command except that the shift remains i neffect until an SA command is received Transparent data command TD mode mode clamped integer O normal I transparent This command defines how control charac...

Page 134: ...will have the same effect ESC n O the orientation of the picture frame is changed the picture frame is set to its default size the frame anchor is set to its default position the plot size is set to its default size cESC a n P Theprintingdirection command does noteffect theorientationorposition of the GL 2 picture frame ESC n P the picture frame is set to its default size the frame anchor is set t...

Page 135: ...efault size the frame anchor is set to its default position the plot size is set to its default size P1and P2 are set to their default positions the cursor is set to P1 the clip window is set to its default size the polygon window is cleared 127 ...

Page 136: ...128 ...

Page 137: ... 8 includes standard 6 1 COMMAND SUMMARY 6 1 1 Printer Control Language PCL commands Command Function Page BS Backspace 57 HT Horizontal tab 55 LF Line feed 57 FF Form feed 58 CR Carriage return 57 so Select secondary font 62 s1 Select primary font 62 ESC a n C Position horizontal cursor in columns 53 ESC a n H Position horizontal cursor in decipoints 54 ESC a n L Set left margin 48 ESC a n M Set ...

Page 138: ...parent print data End of line wrap Select primary font symbol set Select default primary font Designate downloaded font as primary Select primary font stroke weight Select primary font pitch Select primary font spacing Select primary font style Select primary font typeface Select primary font height Download character descriptor data Select secondary font symbol set Select default secondary font D...

Page 139: ... size in decipoints Fill with specified pattern Define vertical rectangle size in decipoints Position horizontal cursor in dots Position vertical cursor in dots End raster graphics Start raster graphics Set graphic image orientation Specifies pixel width of raster graphics Specifies pixel height of raster graphics Select raster graphics resolution Select transparent opaque mode for source images S...

Page 140: ... decipoints 100 Arc absolute 106 Anchor corner 113 Alternate font definition 119 Arc relative 106 Absolute arc three point 107 Character fill mode 120 Circle 107 Character plot 120 Default 102 Absolute direction 121 Relative direction 121 Define label terminator 121 Define variable text path 121 Edge rectangle absolute 110 Edge polygon 110 Edge rectangle relative 111 Extra space 122 Edge wedge 111...

Page 141: ...te system Fill rectangle relative Relative arc three points Select alternate font Select font type Scale Standard font definition Absolute character size Character slant Symbol mode Select pen Relative character size Select standard font Screened vector Transparent data Transparency mode User defined line type Fill wedge Pen width unit Page 115 107 107 108 112 108 109 116 112 116 104 112 109 123 1...

Page 142: ... reading the entries at the top and left edges of the table For example the character A is in column 4 and row 1 so its hexadecimal character code is 41 This is equivalent 4x 16 1 65 to decimal 65 the number in the inset Control codes recognized by this printer are indicated by abbreviations inside pointed brackets Sample ID Number Symbol Name f Hexaciec mal value high order OD ISO 60 Character Lc...

Page 143: ...161 I 321 I I1 I I 1 I 17 I 331 I 491 I 651 1 OC2 2 VT B 11 FF D b OC3J OC4 m E b z 3 35 51 4 36 52 5 37 53 6 38 54 t 7 39 55 43 59 I I 131 1 291 I 4 I E A 7 P 112 i 114 s 115 t 116 u 117 v 118 i w 119 x 120 Y 121 z 122 z 123 lAm131i I I 141 I 301 I 461 I 621 I 781 I 135 ...

Page 144: ...I ID Number Symbol Name OE Roman Extension I r 9 I 251 411 1 571 I 731 I 891 I 105 I I 1211 136 ...

Page 145: ...ID Number Symbol Name OF ISO 25 French 137 ...

Page 146: ...ID Number Symbol Name OG HP German 138 ...

Page 147: ...ID 139 ...

Page 148: ...I ID Number Symbol Name OK JIS ASCII 140 ...

Page 149: ...ID Number Symbol Name ON ECMA 94 Latin 1 E o 1 I I I 11 I 1 1 I 331 I 4Y F 5 6 E 7 8 9 A B c 141 ...

Page 150: ...I I N u m S y N ON E C M Latin 1 cont 1 ...

Page 151: ...I ID Number Symbol Name 0s 1S0 11 Swedish I I 0 116 I 321 1 481 I I I 11 I171 I 331 I 491 I 651 I 81 110 I26 42 I 58 I I VT cESCJ B K E E E l W t I 1 I I 1 1 I I i I I I131 I 291 1 451 I 61 143 ...

Page 152: ...I ID Number Symbol Name Ou US ASCII 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 NUL o a P n 8 1 9 A B c D E F 144 ...

Page 153: ...ID Number Symbol Name ID 1S0 61 Norwegian 145 ...

Page 154: ...I ID Number Symbol Name IE 1S0 UK 2345 146 ...

Page 155: ...ID Number Symbol Name 147 ...

Page 156: ...ID Number Symbol Name IG 1S0 21 German 148 ...

Page 157: ...ID Number Symbol Name 1s HP Spanish 149 ...

Page 158: ...ID Number Symbol Name 2K 1S0 57 Chinese 150 ...

Page 159: ...ID Number Symbol Name 2s 1S0 17 Spanish t 1 2 I I 21 181 I 341 501 I 661 8 I I 3 k 3 L s c s Iiiq I I 101 261 I 421 I 581 71 151 ...

Page 160: ...ID Number Symbol Name 2U 1S0 IRV 10111213 1 I I I w 4567 152 ...

Page 161: ...ID Number Symbol Name 3s ISO 10 Swedish I I I I I I I I I I I10 I 26 I 42 I 58 I 74 I 90 a 1106 122 VT ESCJ B K A k a l i lp E E F m m 153 ...

Page 162: ...ID Number Symbol Name 4s ISO 16 Portuguese I 1 1 154 ...

Page 163: ...ID Number Symbol Name 5s 1S0 84 Portuguese 155 ...

Page 164: ...I ID Number Symbol Name 6S ISO 85 Spanish 156 ...

Page 165: ...ID Number Symbol Name 8U Roman 8 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 k CR D 13 s0 E 14 b l 157 ...

Page 166: ...ID Number Symbol Name 8U Roman 8 cont 158 ...

Page 167: ...ID Number Symbol Name 10U IBM PC US ...

Page 168: ...ID Number Symbol Name 10U IBM PC US cont 160 ...

Page 169: ...ID Number Symbol Name 1lU IBM PC Denmark Norway 161 ...

Page 170: ...e 1lU IBM PC Denmark Norway cont CDE El Lla 192 208 224 LTB 193 209 225 T lr r 194 210 226 t L z m 227 195 Lx 196 212 228 F 213022 197 B II 220 m236 204 205 I 237 221 JL r 206 I E 23 222 fl 207 223 23S a 249 250 4 253 162 ...

Page 171: ...ID Number Symbol Name 12U PC 850 163 ...

Page 172: ...ID Number Symbol Name 12U PC 850 cont 164 ...

Page 173: ...acing circle command 107 columns 23 25 48 command summary 129 133 GL 2 commands 132 133 PCL commands 129 131 condensed 28 configuration 16 configuration settings 16 continuous form paper 20 control codes 8 41 printing 74 control panel 13 14 corona wire 4 Courier font 2 current settings 15 D DC1 DC3 protocol 18 default settings 15 descenders 28 desktop publishing 35 DIP switches 14 Display Function...

Page 174: ...le commands See style com mands form feed command 23 58 q GL 2 commands 97 125 graphics 84 92 97 127 pattern 87 92 raster 84 87 vector 97 127 hexadecimal arithmetic 5 6 HEX DUMP parameter 19 HMI 51 horizontal motion commands 51 53 55 horizontal motion index See HMI horizontal print position 51 53 55 m initial setting 15 interface parameter 14 16 18 internal fonts 2 30 31 italics See style commands...

Page 175: ...ait orientation Seefont orientation primary fonts 61 print density 21 print drum 4 print engine 4 Print Pattern command 89 print position commands 24 51 61 print spoolers 39 printer control commands 43 46 printer drivers 6 9 26 printer parameters 13 16 PROGRAM button 16 proportional spacing 25 29 69 protocol 18 pushing print position 60 R j RAM 3 32 39 40 random access memory See RAM raster graphi...

Page 176: 21 top margin command 48 transparencies 22 118 Transparent print command 74 75 typeface 26 27 63 typeface commands 72 u i underlining 33 74 upright style See style commands user defined fonts 79 83 v vector commands 106 109 vector graphics 97 127 vertical motion index See VMI vertical print position 55 56 vertical tab commands 55 56 VMI 24 WYSIWYG 35 1 L XON XOFF protocol 18 168 ...

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