M.207 Description (Rear Panel)
M.207 Description - Rear Panel
(Figure 3.3)
Figure 3.3
1. Power Switch:
Turns the mixer ON or OFF.
2. AC IN:
Input connection for the included power supply. While the power is switched OFF, plug the power supply
into the mixer first, and then plug it into the outlet.
3. Fader Start:
To use this function you need a CD player with the Fader Start feature and its related cable so you
can use the Crossfader to start and stop the CD player. The Fader Start switch (Front Panel, Figure 3.2, 1) activates
the Fader Start feature. When the Fader Start switch is in the ON position, this function allows the fader to
activate or return to the preset Cue Point on your compatible CD Player.
4. Balanced Master output:
TRS balanced (1/4”) connectors are typically used to connect to a P.A. mixer or an
amplifier for live performances, or a recording console.
5. Unbalanced Master output:
RCA connectors are typically used to connect to a home stereo, or to another
mixer with RCA inputs for practicing or team routines.
6. REC:
The record output is not affected by the Master volume control. It can be used to record to a computer,
CD, MD, & tape recorder, even while the master volume is turned down.
7. Aux:
This AUX LINE In allows you to connect CD & DVD players, iPods, etc. Just switch the MIC/AUX Input Selector
(Top Panel, 1) to AUX.
8. Line Inputs:
Unbalanced RCA jacks for connecting stereo audio from line level sources such as CD players,
Hi-Fi VCRs, cassette decks, DAT machines, laser discs, tuners, Mini Discs, even synthesizers or other mixing
consoles. Plug mono audio sources into both Left and Right inputs using a "Y" cable connector.
9. Phono Inputs:
Plug your turntables in here. When these connectors are used, your signal is fed directly to the
high-quality RIAA phono pre-amplifiers. Only connect turntables here. Line level sources will overload the
sensitive phono pre-amps and will cause distortion.
10. ground connector:
To eliminate electrical hum, connect the ground cable from your standard turntable ground
post to the M.207 ground terminal. Some turntables (like the Stanton STR8.150) do not require grounding wire.
11. Microphone Input (Mic):
Connect a standard unbalanced (1/4") microphone.