ST215C User Handbook
WiFi & USB Datalogging Option
WiFi Configuration
This option (if fitted) allows for remote
monitoring, datalogging and program
loading by WiFi. It also has a USB
connector to give local data logging,
configuration and maintenance by
USB FLASH memory “thumb” drive.
The radio icon lamp on
the front panel flashes
when the ST215C is
paired to a WiFi network and is send-
ing or receiving information.
To access the controller over an internet connection go to
www.staffordinstruments.co.uk then click on the “MY CONTROLLER” link. Follow
the on
screen instructions. One or more controllers can be registered to a user
account. If you haven't already done so then you will first need to create a user
account then register your controller.
The main USB function is to provide a time stamped datalogging facility. The log files
created are in CSV format which can be read directly into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
User program data and or configuration data can also be read into the controller. Con-
troller firmware updates are also possible.
The USB socket and associated green “Drive Mounted” LED are mounted on the top
panel of the controller. A dust plug is provided for when a USB drive is not fitted.
FLASH Memory Drive Specification
These can be either USB1, USB2 or USB3 drives (USB3 drives have a blue insulator).
The drives must be formatted as FAT32 or FAT16 (not NTFS or ExFAT). The module
has been tested with several makes of drive up to size 256Gbytes. If the green LED
next to the USB connector illuminates then the inserted FLASH drive is acceptable.
The drive can be inserted at any time (with the controller either on or off). It can also be
removed at any time
but preferably not while the controller is writing data to the drive.
The green LED will turn off when the drive is removed.
USB Functions
Time of day Clock Function
This datalogger module incorporates an accurate battery backed date and time of day
clock. It compensates for leap years. It does not automatically compensate for day-
light saving in summer and winter. This clock is used to time stamp data within the
datalogger files. It is also used to date and time stamp the actual file. Note: the date
and time stamp of the file is the time the file was last written to (not the time when the
file was first created). The (replaceable) clock battery (CR1632) is sized to last at
least 10 years.