Congratulations! You have just purchased fantastic Scale One kitchen scale.
Your new kitchen scale Scale One is extremely reliable and precise and does
not require any maintenance. Equipped with 2 LCD-displays to show weigh
ing, date/time, room temperature (°C/°F), humidity percentage and alarm
clock function.
Please read through the operating instructions carefully before you use the
appliance for the first time and keep them safely for later reference; if nec-
essary pass them on to the next owner.
• This scale does not need any maintenance.
• Use the scale carefully, it is a precision instrument. Take care to avoid
to subject the scale to temperature extremes, humidity, impacts, dust and
direct sunlight. Do not drop or knock the unit.
• Keep the unit far from heat.
• Clean your scale with a damp cloth, do not use abrasive and corrosive
materials or solvents.
• Do not overload the scale.
• Do not open the scale. In the event of opening or tampering the guarantee
becomes invalid.
• Go to the retailer for any maintenance.
• Do not let any liquid penetrate into the body of the scale. This appliance is
not waterproof. Do not leave or use the scale in very humid places; humidity
higher than 90% or the contact with water or any other liquid can cause
corrosion and jeopardize the correct operation of the scale.
• Keep the appliance out of the reach of children.
• Scale for domestic use.
• This scale can be hung up (fig. 4). Before weighing, place the scale on a
flat and rigid surface.
• Caution! The display positioned in the middle of the scale is back-lit. To
extend the duration of the batteries, it lights up only when the scale is ON.
It is necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet and it becomes essen-
tial to follow a therapeutic diet.
To work normally human body needs to be nourished regularly. Drastic and
unbalanced diets not including all types of foodstuffs should be absolutely
avoided. One of the essential assumptions for a correct feeding is that it
meets the energy requirement of the involved person. Moreover, it is impor
tant to consider the variety of foods since diets involving always the same
type of food can lack of some nutrient principles. While assessing the total
quantity of food to take in a day, it is useful to calculate first of all the energy
requirement of the involved person. On average, the daily energy require
ment, represented by the weight and the physical activity carried out by the
involved person, is equal to about 40 calories per kilogram a day (kg/die) for
people performing a heavy work; 30 cal/kg/die for the ones performing a
medium heavy work; and 25 cal/kg/die for the ones performing little physi-
cal activity. The one exceeding the necessary amount of calories needed to
meet his/her daily energy requirement is quite surely subject to overweight,
above all if he/she does not carry out a proper physical activity. Should one
be underweight, it is necessary to seek medical advice and perform the
correct amount of physical activity supported concurrently by a varied and
balanced diet. Always try to weigh food in order to take the right daily ra-
tion: taking too much or too few quantities of a given type of food means
following an unbalanced diet. In any case, it is essential to remember that
any change in terms of quality and quantity to one’s own diet, especially if
carried out for therapeutic purposes, must always be discussed and estab-
lished previously together with a doctor.
Never follow diets autonomously, always refer to a doctor or dietician.
• To follow a balanced diet it is necessary not to exceed in the consumption
of the same types of food neglecting the essential elements contained in
other types of food, as well as not eating more than needed. Always weigh
the food to take the right daily ration of the same.
• A healthy diet includes suitable quantities of proteins, carbohydrates,
fats, fibers, vitamins and minerals, as well as, obviously, water.
• Having a complete meal only once a day is a bad habit. It is better to have
many small meals instead of just an abundant one. Three meals a day and a
sneak in the middle of the morning or of the afternoon represent the basis
for a correct feeding.
• It is suggested to sit down and relax when eating. Select a comfortable
environment can be relevant.
• Do not eat when you are focused on doing other activities, i.e. when you
are watching TV or working, in order to avoid eating too much without even
noticing it. To support the digestion process it is recommended to eat slowly
and chew well, enjoying the color, taste and consistency of the food.
• Combining a correct feeding to physical activity is an essential condition
to allow increasing the metabolism, consuming more calories and remaining
in good shape.
• It is important to remember that with age human body seems to need less
energy due to still not so clear reasons (maybe due to the fact that one leads
a less active life): however, many aged people do not reduce their consump-
tion of food and tend to grow fat.
• To try to obtain a balanced diet, follow these simple suggestions: limit the
consumption of animal fat, simple sugars and salt; moderate the consump-
tion of alcohol; avoid deli meat, cream ice-creams, chocolate or cream and
sweets with cream; select lean meat; prefer olive oil or seed oil to butter;
take a great deal of fresh vegetables and fruits.