a unique atmosphere.
4. When you switch Nina on, she will automatically be set to level 2. To reduce
her output to level 1, press the on/off button (6) again. If you press the on/off
button a third time, the device will switch off.
5. If you find the lamps too bright (in a bedroom for example), you may reduce
the light intensity by pressing the dimmer button (7). You can choose between
three different modes:
• Normal mode (switched on as standard)
• Dimmed mode (press once)
• Light-off mode (press twice)
You can return to normal mode by re-pressing the dimmer button (7).
6. On the back of the bottom part next to the connection for the USB cable (3),
you will find the status display for the battery (10):
• Normal operation with fully charged battery: LED is not illuminated
• Battery level 10 % or lower: LED flashes
• Battery is charging: LED is illuminated constantly
When the device is fully charged, the LED will go out. You can now disconnect
the USB cable and use the device in battery mode (for up to 50 hours).
There are 6 different fragrance types to choose from in the fragrance
globe range: White Amber, Orange Bergamot, Red Jasmine, Blue Rosewood,
Black Orchid, Yellow Vanilla. You can buy the fragrance globes from the same
place you bought your Nina.