The STM32L562E-DK Discovery kit is designed as a complete demonstration and development platform for STMicroelectronics
-M33 core-based STM32L562QEI6QU microcontroller with TrustZone
. It features 256 Kbytes of internal SRAM
and 512 Kbytes of internal Flash memory, one flexible memory controller (FMC) interface, one Octo-SPI memory interface, one
LCD-TFT controller, one RTC, up to 16 timers, one USB Type-C
device FS port with UCPD controller, two SAI ports, four I²C
buses, six USART ports, three SPI, one CAN-FD port, one SDMMC interface, 2x 12-bit ADC, 2x 12-bit DAC, 2 low-power
comparators, 4 digital filters for sigma-delta modulation, touch-sensing capability, an embedded step down converter, and JTAG
and ETM debugging support.
STM32L562E-DK, shown in
, associated with the fan-out expansion board, is used as a reference design for user
application development, although it is not considered as the final application.
The full range of hardware features on the board helps the user to evaluate all the peripherals (USB, USART, digital
microphones, ADC and DAC, TFT LCD, Octo-SPI Flash memory device, microSD
card, audio codec, joystick, user button,
Low Energy, accelerometer and gyroscope) and to develop applications. Extension headers allow easy connection
of a daughterboard or wrapping board for a specific application.
An STLINK-V3E is integrated on the board, as embedded in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM32 MCU and the
USB Virtual COM port bridge.
Figure 1.
STM32L562E-DK Discovery kit (top view)
Picture is not contractual.
Discovery kit with STM32L562QE MCU
User manual
Rev 2
January 2020
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.