data transfer between the PC and the ST7 peripheral according to the USB HID class
Figure 5.
STUSB02E/ STUSB03 evaluation board demonstration
Communication with the application board
PC software control of the evaluation board
Click on the LED button in the application dialog box to switch ON the LED D3 on the board.
Click again to switch it OFF. The slider bar controls the brightness of D4 on the board. Each
slider bar value is converted to a pulse width modulation (PWM) by the microcontroller. The
brightness of LED D4 changes according to the slider value.
Display of evaluation board state
Button state: this green LED changes its state when push-button SW4 of the evaluation
board is pressed.
Trimmer value: this value is the result of the analog-to-digital conversion of the VR1
trimmer output. When the position of the trimmer mounted on the evaluation board is
modified, the new ADC value is transmitted via the USB bus and displayed on the
progress bar of the HID demonstrator.