STEVAL-ISB68WA test setup
The evaluation of the STEVAL-ISB68WA kit relies on a suitable wireless power transmitter that could mate with
the coil of the RX module. A good coupling factor is essential for both power transfer efficiency and data
communication reliability between the transmitter and the receiver.
The STEVAL-ISB045V1 wireless power transmitter evaluation kit contains the reference transmitter for the test
setup. The complete test setup is shown in
Figure 8.
STEVAL-ISB68WA evaluation setup
The receiver is connected to the dongle as per
a and placed on the transmitter.
The transmitter must be configured (through its own GUI) to have a ping frequency of 120 kHz and a 130 kHz
-170 kHz operating frequency range. These parameters are easily unlocked and configured in the “parameters”
window (
STEVAL-ISB68WA test setup
Rev 1
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