Using the demonstration board
To operate the STCC08 board correctly and at each test, perform the following
procedure first:
Place the “STCC08 CNTRL” switch (SW5) to the “OFF” position
Set the “N DIODE MODE (SW2)” and “P DIODE MODE (SW3)” switches to the
“NO” position
Put the “OPEN LOAD” (SW1) switch in the “NO” position
Set the “OPEN ACS” (SW4) switch to the “NO” position
Connect the AC mains wire to the AC line connector (J1).
In this case, all LEDs must be off
To turn on the AC switch:
Place all mechanical switches (SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4) in the “NO” position
Put the “STCC08 CNTRL” switch (SW5) in the “ON” position
The “STCC08 CNTRL” LED (D5) and the “ON” LED (D9) must be on
The light bulb must be on
To simulate a diode mode of the ACS:
Set the “N DIODE MODE” (SW2) or “P DIODE MODE” (SW3) switch to the “YES”
position, SW1and SW4 to the “NO” position and SW5 to the “OFF” position
In this case, the “DIODE” (D6) LED is on
To simulate a short-circuit of the ACS:
Put the “N DIODE MODE” (SW2) and “P DIODE MODE” (SW3) switches in the
“YES” position, SW1and SW4 in the “NO” position and SW5 in the “OFF” position
In this case, the “CC” LED (D8) is on
To simulate an open circuit of the ACS:
Place the “STCC08 CNTRL” switch (SW5) in the “ON” position and all mechanical
switches (SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4) in the “NO” position
Put the “OPEN ACS” (SW4) switch in the “ON” position
In this case, the “OPEN” LED (D7) and “STCC08 CNTRL” LED (D9) is on
To simulate AC switch failures in any AC load state:
Place the “OPEN LOAD” (SW1) switch in the “YES” position (this disconnects the
AC load) and use the previous procedures to see the AC switch (ACS) state is
detected whatever the AC load state (AC load connected or disconnected)
Read the “AVF” test point (TP8) with an oscilloscope connected through an insulated
plug (see example in
Figure 9
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