USB power/GUI mode of evaluation board
date are configured in the RTC using GUI, the RTC keeps the time and date record. This
time and date is displayed on the LCD at each powering sequence.
Sequence of operation of evaluation board in standalone
To use the board in standalone mode follow these steps:
Place the temperature sensor in socket 1 (TS1) or socket 2 (TS2).
Configure the address lines of TS1 and TS2 accordingly.
Adjust the power selection switch (S1) to select the external power supply.
Plug in the power adapter to the board and switch on the supply.
Press the reset button (S2) on the board.
The application starts running. Temperature and time are displayed on the LCD.
If the address configuration is not done as mentioned in
message on the LCD appears, in which case, reconfigure the board for the correct address
and then press the reset button (S2).
If the addresses are correctly configured but there is no device in the socket, an error
message on the LCD appears as "DEVICE ERR.", in which case, place the device in the
socket, configure the address lines and then press the reset button to start the application.
USB power/GUI mode of evaluation board
The second mode of operation of the Temperature sensor board uses GUI through a USB
connection. In this mode if GUI is not connected, then the board functions as a mass
storage device and appears as a removable drive on computer. To use the board in
temperature sensor mode we connect it to the computer using the USB cable and
communicate with GUI using the USB communication protocol. GUI is used to configure the
temperature sensor registers and to explore all the features of the temperature sensor.
4.1 Getting
Run the GUI setup (.exe) file to install GUI on the host system.
To install the GUI, the user should have administrative rights, as the setup overwrites files
(.dll) in the system folder that are protected using administrative rights. If the user does not
have administrative rights, this GUI cannot be installed (error message: 0x80040707
appears). Open up the temperature sensor GUI by clicking on the GUI icon which opens the
GUI window as shown in