October 2009
Doc ID 15599 Rev 2
User manual
PractiSPIN™.spmd demonstration system
configuration and set up guide
PractiSPIN™.spmd is a demonstration system that can be used with several
STMicroelectronics stepper motor driver modules.
The system consists of a graphical user interface (GUI) program which runs on an IBM-PC
under windows, a common ST7-based interface board that communicates with the PC and
the PractiSPIN™.spmd software via a serial COMM port, and a module-specific
demonstration board (target board) that connects to the ST7 interface board via a standard
34-pin ribbon cable interface, as shown in
The module demonstration board connects to the motor and to a user-supplied DC power
supply generally in the range of 12 to 48 VDC, plus a logical supply rated 5 VDC.
The PractiSPIN™.spmd system is designed to operate the target module under the control
of the PractiSPIN™.spmd software.
Figure 1.
The PractiSPIN™.spmd system block diagram