Power supply
External power supply input
The Nucleo board is designed to be powered by several DC power supply. It is possible to configure the Nucleo
board to use any of the following sources for the power supply:
5V_STLK from ST-LINK USB connector CN1
VIN (7 to 12 V) from ARDUINO
-included Zio connector CN8 or ST morpho connector CN11
5V_EXT from ST morpho connector CN11
5V_USB_C from USB Type-C
connector CN15
5V_CHGR from ST-LINK USB connector CN1
-included Zio connector CN8 or ST morpho connector CN11
If VIN, 5V_EXT or 3V3 is used to power a Nucleo-144 board, this power source must comply with the standard
EN-60950-1: 2006+A11/2009 and must be Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) with limited power capability.
The power supply capabilities are summarized in
Table 7.
Power sources capability
Input Power name
Connector pins
Voltage range
CN1 pin 1
JP6 [1-2]
4.75 to 5.25 V
500 mA
Maximum current depending on the presence or
absence of USB enumeration:
100 mA without enumeration
500 mA with enumeration OK
CN8 pin 15
CN11 pin 24
JP6 [3-4]
7 to 12 V
800 mA
From 7 to 12 V only and input current capability is
linked to input voltage:
800 mA input current when VIN = 7 V
450 mA input current when 7 V < VIN < 9 V
250 mA input current when 9 V < VIN < 12 V
CN11 pin 6
JP6 [5-6]
4.75 to 5.25 V
500 mA
Maximum current depending on the power source
JP6 [7-8]
4.75 to 5.25 V
1 A
Maximum current depending on the USB host used
to power the Nucleo
CN1 pin 1
JP6 [9-10]
4.75 to 5.25 V
500 mA
Maximum current depending on the USB wall
charger used to power the Nucleo
CN8 pin 7
CN11 pin 16
JP5 pin 2
3.0 to 3.6 V
Used when ST-LINK part of PCB is not used or
removed. SB3 must be OFF to protect LDO U6.
is a DC power with limitation from ST-LINK USB connector (USB Type Micro-B connector of ST-LINK/
V2-1). In this case, the JP6 jumper must be on pin [1-2] to select the 5V_STLK power source on the JP6
silkscreen. This is the default setting. If the USB enumeration succeeds, the 5V_STLK power is enabled, by
asserting the PWR_ENn signal (from STM32F103CBT6). This pin is connected to a power switch TPS2041C,
which powers the board. This power switch also features a 500 mA current limitation, to protect the PC in case of
an on-board short-circuit.
Power supply
Rev 2
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