The green LED indicates that the STM32 part is powered by a 5V source, and this source is available on CN8
pin 9 and CN11 pin 18.
LD7 USB Type-C
This green LED is driven by the presence of the 5V_USB_TYPEC. Refer to
more details.
Two buttons are available on the Nucleo board.
The blue button for User and Wake-Up function is connected to the I/O PC13 supported TAMPER function
(default) or to I/O PA0 supported Wakeup function (optional) of the STM32 Microcontroller. When the button is
pressed the logic state is “1”, otherwise the logic state is “0”.
The black button connected to NRST is used to reset the STM32 microcontroller. When the button is pressed the
logic state is “0”, otherwise the logic state is “1”.
The blue and black plastic hats placed on these push-buttons can be removed if necessary when a shield or an
application board is plugged on top of Nucleo. This avoids pressure on the buttons and consequently a possible
permanent target MCU reset.
IDD measurement
The JP5 jumper, labeled
, allows the consumption of the STM32 microcontroller to be measured by removing
the jumper and connecting an ammeter.
Jumper ON: STM32 Microcontroller is powered (default).
Jumper OFF: an ammeter or an external 3V3 power source must be connected to power and to measure the
STM32 microcontroller’s consumption.
The IDD jumper only performs the current measurement for 3V3 voltage. To measure the STM32 microcontroller
consumption in 3V3 and 1V8 modes, it is preferable to use the JP4 jumper as IDD.
JP4 VDD_MCU voltage selection 1V8 or 3V3
The JP4 jumper selects the VDD_MCU voltage. It can be used as an IDD current measurement point for 3V3 and
1V8 voltages.
Set JP4 to [1-2] to set VDD_MCU to 3V3 (IDD can be measured by ammeter between pin 1 and 2)
Set JP4 to [2-3] to set VDD_MCU to 1V8 (IDD can be measured by ammeter between pin 3 and 2)
Consumption on this jumper includes MCU pin connected to VDD and the U100 Level shifter supply pin for 1V8
compatibility. Level Shifter consumption is negligible according to correct SWD settings and according to the
correct setting of the I/O, to avoid an I/O floating level.
To correctly supply the MCU, it is mandatory to configure SBs as shown in
. The role of these SBs is to
provide input to dedicated MCU part for current measurement and probing purposes.
Table 9.
MCU Power supplies
SB configuration
MCU Power supply
JP4 [1-2] / JP4 [2-3]
Jumper selection for VDD_MCU 3V3 or 1V8
SB for VDDSMPS input voltage
SB for VREFP input voltage
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